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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Occazn

  1. Accounting Application I is fun.
  2. Occazn


    So people with the Verified Transactor don't have to bump their topics every few seconds and newbies can find the trustworthy ones instantly.
  3. Occazn


    Currency section. It requires us to have a Gold Shop thread to get the Verified Transactor pip, I don't see why there is no verified currency section on OSBot.
  4. It's more so the fact that when people are trying to have a nice conversation, this one user comes and ruins it. He takes everything we say, and becomes a "smartass" about it. His sentence structure contains 2 words per line, and it spams the chat. You may not have had a problem with him, but that's because you are hardly in chat when there are discussions that require thought within it. Enough with talking about a specific user, though, I'm just saying that if a MAJORITY of people do not want a person within the chat due to the fact of him being immature, then a moderator can review it and he can be temporarily banned. This way, it's not just people spamming the vote-to-kick and this user being kicked/temp banned for no reason. If the moderator sees he is actually ruining a conversation and being overall a terrible person to talk to, then I'd say he should be temporarily banned.
  5. It's not the fact of them talking about what "I" want and that "I" don't like them. It's the fact that the chat is a place to relax and have fun. When that one person is ruining the experience for everysingle other person, I feel action should be taken. I'll post a more throrough explanation in a second, in a game of league
  6. The chat on OSBot is for people to come in and chill/relax. I think if somebody is being obnoxious and doing something that other people do not approve of, such as late at night on OSBot where some intellectual discussions take place. Basically, a vote to kick button in chat for a user that acts really immature and provides a not-so-fun experience for everybody else. The chat is for people to chill/relax, not have to deal with immaturity and become annoyed at the overall perspective of one specific person's actions. That user can do w/e he wants as long as he doesn't flame and the mods won't ban him from chat. I feel like a vote to kick button should be added so if the majority of users do not want another in chat, then they are kicked/time banned. Either that or if this user gets enough "votes to kick" it is reviewed by a moderator, and if he does, indeed, act immature, then the mods should temporarily suspend this user from the chat.
  7. The thing is though, typically when somebody gets a negative feedback, they scammed + are IP banned from the community. When the negative feedback is removed, most of the people who have been given it, were given it unjustly or they were "hacked" during the service. I agree that the negative feedback rule should be changed, like let's say a powerleveling service wasn't on time and a negative feedback was given. I completely agree with that, but until the rules change, negative feedback represents whether you're a scammer deserving an IP ban at the moment, and every positive feedback is for everysingle trade that goes through.
  8. I don't think he was hacked. I'm fairly sure he's scamming you and just using a VPN. He was "Hacked" for over 100M before, said he was going to chargeback, hasn't done that yet. He's going to do that soon. The "Hacker" seemed really fishy when talking to me, almost as if it were moneyman attempting to be somebody else. Now, he's scammed another 34M and I guess he's saying he was hacked again? I even told blue herbs when he was going to sell to moneyman that he was hacked or scamming, but leaning more toward the scamming aspect of it. I'd refrain from trading with MoneyMan in the future if he decides to come back.
  9. An accurate depiction of what I look like in real life.
  10. It seems as though you didn't draw half of the picture. I'll help you out, don't worry Masterpiece.
  11. Hi I'd like a boost to diamond. Price?
  12. step 1 team game step 2 play as a team step 3 team game step 4 its a fucking team game
  13. All of those rules should be removed, imo. hi guys im roomscsape and i smoke crack
  14. I basically have Psychic powers, and I will predict your future. Payments will depend on how much I will have to look into my glass ball to determine your fate.
  15. post pics of urs i post pics of mine gg we rate each other np bboy occazn vs fgt jason
  16. may the power of buddha compell u
  17. 1-2 months ago? wtf. we had one back in april bro.
  18. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/13082-giving-himself-fake-feedback/ I feel it unfair that others had all their feedback removed whilst you get to keep all yours. I demand that all your feedback is removed as well, as this is America and Equality is a must. not joking by the way pls do this @Smart @Master Chief @Raflesia
  19. Occazn

    Bot busting.

    i hope u die jeff
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