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Lone Bot

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Everything posted by Lone Bot

  1. Lone Bot

    1-70 ranged

    20M + Supplies Add me: Lone Wolf#4669
  2. 40M + supplies add me: Lone Wolf#4669 ETA: 1-2 days
  3. 40M my supplies add: Lone Wolf#4669
  4. Lone Bot

    125 - 175 QP

    Add me to discuss futher: Lone Wolf#4669
  5. 120M for all quest and stats add: Lone Wolf#4669
  6. Lone Bot

    Looking For

    10M per account up to 4 per day add: Lone Wolf#4669
  7. Lone Bot

    Waterfall quest

    1M each pm me: Lone Wolf#4669
  8. Lone Bot

    1-40 ranged

    Depends if f2p or p2p msg me: Lone Wolf#4669
  9. add me to discuss futher Lone Wolf#4669
  10. Lone Bot

    fresh acc to nmz

    add me to discuss Lone Wolf#4669
  11. Can do for 30m add me: Lone Wolf#4669
  12. Can do now add my discord: Lone Wolf#4669
  13. Can be done now. Add me Lone Wolf#4669
  14. Lone Bot


    Service completed
  15. Lone Bot


    I can do it for 15M. It will take me 4-6 hours. Add me Lone Wolf#4669
  16. 25M your supplies add me Lone Wolf#4669
  17. Can do for 30M. ETA> 3-7 days. Add me: Lone Wolf#4669
  18. I got an account with 30 def 54 range 59 magic and 44 hp right now if interested 7days membership left. No recoveries, no email set.
  19. Agreed on the auto-trade. Not sure about doing little trades. It got one of my mains account banned within a few days. It got banned for Goldfarming instead of RWT consider i was playing legit and only did little trades once in a while. My mules now moves 50m+ and havent got a ban yet. They have been alive for around a year. PD: All my other accounts havent been detected even they have interacted with the banned account many times.
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