Hi everyone,
I'm offering fast Corrupted Gauntlet services for irons and mains accounts.
1 - 20KC : $1 per kc - Deliver within 24 hours
20 - 50KC : $0.9 per kc - Deliver within 48 hours
50-100KC : $0.8 per kc - Deliver within 72 hours
100KC+ : $0.75 per kc - Depends on amount
Requirements for service:
85 Range
85 Magic
70 Prayer
80 Defence
Song of the Elves quest
Payments Method:
Progress so far:
Terms of Service
You may not log-in while service is on progress.
You must change passwords after service is completed.
We are not liable for bans/mutes during and after service as all will be hand trained and proof/progress will be provided anytime.
You must have a Bank Pin set.
All confirmations of services and payments will be done via PM in OSbot (However you may reach me on discord for faster response)