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Lone Bot

Lifetime Sponsor
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Everything posted by Lone Bot

  1. Ill do for 36M add me on discord (signature)
  2. Can do, add me on discord (in my signature)
  3. I have a main account but it has original mail registered add me on discord if interested.
  4. Can do this, added you on discord
  5. Hey Mald I can do 4-10 accs at a time. 35M my supplies with rock cake included. Discord in signature
  6. I got 2 accounts with 70/70/70 stats
  7. I got 2 accounts with 70/70/70 and nmz quests if interested. Disc on signature
  8. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/161854-19k12k-total-main-with-avernicf-capegracefulelite-voidrigouraugury-unlocked/
  9. I got 2 accounts with 70/70/70. add me on disc if interested
  10. Training accounts from scratch to certain builds. They will be trained on Runelite. Feel free to ask for updates/screenies whenever you like. Prices: Can be lowered if bulk. Up to 10 accs at a time. Ill pay for supplies. [60/60/60 build] - 30M each [70/70/70 build] - 45M each Quests: Waterfall Quest Fight Arena Tree gnome village Client of Kourend Depths of despair Vampire Slayer Mountain Daughter Fishing Contest RFD freeing the mountain dwarf If you would like other NMZ quests feel free to ask. Note: I can also add lvl 43 prayer for free if requested by the customer. Terms of service You must not log in until the service is complete. You must not change the details of the account until the service has been completed, doing so will result in a void service with NO Refund. You must change your password after the service is completed. You must pay upfront or we can use a MM at your expense. Once the service is complete you must leave feedback. I am not responsible for any bans or mutes as everything will be trained by hand. You must ask for a confirmation PM if you contact me outside of OSBot.
  11. FIRST ACCOUNT SOLD SECOND ACCOUNT STILL FOR SALE 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 1st account comes with rigour and augury unlocked. 2nd account comes with piety unlocked. 3. Pictures of the quests completed 6. The methods of payment you are accepting OSRS GOLD 7. Your trading conditions You go first or we can use a MM at your expense 8. Pictures of the account status 9. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address 1st. Im OO and got my personal email linked which will be change to yours 2nd. Im OO and comes with original email.
  12. Nmz? Sand crabs? Pure? Add me on discord to discuss futher
  13. 120M add my discord if you ok with price
  14. Lone Bot

    Full void

    add me on discord
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