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  1. Can I please have a trail? Seeing if this will work without gaining any hp xp, trying to get 99 atk/str/def with 10 hp
  2. Cleaned


    Yea, I baby sat it for a while and that's exactly what happened. Complete fluke and very rare, but when it clicked to run south, the door closed, what are the odds lol
  3. Cleaned


    may have found another. When out of bones in inventory (and glory in invo) it does run south to tele to edgeville, BUT if the door is closed, it just will continuously try to click south on the minimap. I am not sure why it does not open door (like it does when it has noted bones ini invo) https://gyazo.com/53872875b0da61b42afc80b732ca021d Unfortunately, when it banks it sits in bank for unknown reason, I think I figured out the reason why. When starting the script, it takes out burning ammy + bones + cash and it wears the burning ammy, teles to lava maze and does it's thing. When it banks, it gets out more noted bones, bones and cash, but sits in the bank. I manually hit the deposit all invo button, but once again it gets out cash and bones. If I deposit all invo AND deposit my worn equipment (the burning ammy it has one) then it starts up again properly. Perhaps just copy/paste the door opening code for when there are no more bones in invo and when it banks have it deposit invo + worn equipment?
  4. Cleaned


    Hi Tom, I believe all the bugs I was experiencing have now been fixed! thank you so much
  5. Cleaned


    Ok. Put ammy of glory in invo, all items on same tab. I baby sat it while it did 100 bones. It DID tele to edgeeville via glory and it DID rebank, kinda. It got out more bones, noted and non noted, and cash. However it stayed in the bank interface. I manually clicked away from bank and it went back to the bank and turned off this this in the log https://gyazo.com/532452e851131a6a6a625b2085428585?token=036ce0b2dd478da7f4de6e05890811ac I am unsure on which teleport items it is referring to, I have multiple glories and burning ammys in the bank.
  6. Cleaned


    appreciate your speedy response and work! The mistake may of been me wearing the glory, i've put the glory in my invo now which should hopefully tell the bot to bank at edgeville and not die. Will you let you know. I have also put all the items (bones/gp/burning ammy) in the same tab, perhaps the issue was them being in different tabs.
  7. Cleaned


    can confirm it bugs out after dying. https://gyazo.com/31a67c6485e03276fa23bda27720d4e5 have been babysitting it for 10 mins, still stuck in bank screen Edit: if I deposit my whole invo into the bank, the script begins to work again, withdrawing bones/cash/ammy etc A few other small bugs: After all bones are buried (with glory in invo) it still suicides via the zammy wine. It will try to unnote bones too quickly, which results in nothing being unnoted.
  8. i've been banned using a ghost mouse while going for 99 cooking on a lvl 3
  9. Just FYI, skype button in sig doesn't do anything =0
  10. Disputed Member:[member=username] https://osbot.org/forum/profile/278391-neizvestniy/ Why it should be removed: No idea why I was giving negative feedback and him saying "scamming" Have not done business with this user Details:No idea why I was giving negative feedback and him saying "scamming" Have not done business with this user Link to topic: There is no topic
  11. Are you looking for bp + nmz or chinning?
  12. You get passive agil xp + fossils via underwater
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