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Everything posted by zScripz

  2. Guys I sent in my app.... tell me what you think my chances are? Are you currently a staff member at another site? If so do not apply you won't be considered: Nope How old are you? - 12 What is your real life name? - Heywood Jablomi What is your timezone? - wtf is this lel What is your email adress? - WTF THATS ILLEGAL I WONT LET THE GOVERNMENT CONTROL MY MIND! How long have you used OSBot? - 6 days Do you have any previous moderating experience? If so, what is the website/Private server? - Once I babysat my brother and he bit an electrical socket Do you understand that abusing your powers will result in a demotion and may be a ip ban depending on the situation? - Can I IP ban swizz cus hes kinda a faggot Do you speak and write fluently in any language other than English? List: Italian/Spanish (my second legit answer) How many hours do you use the forums daily? - Like 6 hours... I have no friends Please write AS MUCH AS YOU CAN in the questions below. Have you ever disagreed with a moderator's action? If so, what would you have done as a moderator in that situation?: Yer Falixus. If I was him I wouldn't be a beta faggot and steal 25m. I'd steal like 100m and ban erryone in chat for teh lulz Why do you wish to be in part of the staff team of OSBot? Please give as much reasons as possible. MUH E PEENIS Why are you more advanced than others so that we need to choose you as our new staff? (Say something about you are good at) sucking dat dickkk If there are a few users began saying "THIS BOT SUCKS!" and spamming it, what would you do? suck their dick (If you hadn't noticed im a massive faggot) From the above question, if a staff (Who has the same rank as you, or higher rank than you) saying "THIS BOT SUCKS! EVERYONE LEAVE!", what would you do? suck their dick You have banned someone, but another moderator disagrees with your decision and lifts the ban before the ban time you have set has elapsed. What do you do? suck their dad's dick A friend comes to you complaining that he has been banned by another moderator, and wants you to find out why. Upon further investigation, you discover that you believe the ban is unjustified. How do you handle that? I ban my friend (again) ban the person who reported him, and ban anyone who saw the report If you warned a player about his language and he disagrees and continues to flame you, what would you do? say I'm sorry cus I'm a bully What do you think a Mod should do on a daily basis? Idfk wtf Do you have skype? If so, what is your skype name? NOT TODAY NSA What position are you applying for? Global Moderator or Chat Box Assistant? Note, if you are applying for Global Moderator, you are not allowed to participate in the market without permission from me. Owner Other comments: This is just a joke. Pls no ban
  3. Sent you a request ^ and bump still need
  4. There have been many many many hours put into this haha and yep, there are 95 level 1 clue scrolls It was not fun, but I'm to 92/95 documented now
  5. Another small show off of the gui/loot list:
  6. zScripz


    Finally adding that banking in great job dev team, now add in withdraw all but one
  7. small proggy provided by the great qw3
  8. gif me likes i need to feed my famiry
  9. maxi y u gotta do me like this :'(
  10. 1. If you've been developing for 5 years and can't make a webwalker, you're doing something wrong. 2. Can you read?
  11. I appreciate myself because I've been trying very hard to be most hated on OSBot and I think I'm almost there!! wish me luck
  12. It has to walk to the clue location from the teleport area??
  13. zScripz

    BETA v1.7.76

    wtf is latest 1.7.75 or 1.7.76
  14. No.. you definitely can't as 1. No webwalking 2. Map clues 3. Clues are ambiguous as to exact location I guess you could for talking clues.. but is it worth it?
  15. Yea... I can't just decipher what to do from the clue.. as it is a clue..
  16. I'm not wut? edit: Maybe you are reffering to the ~8 that need a custom handler?
  17. I need a thread layout, logo and signature for a clue scroll script. Will be paying obviously, I want it to be HQ, if you're interested post here with your previous work and hopefully we can work something out
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