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Everything posted by zScripz

  1. I'd love to join, also need to talk to you about something else.
  2. Very graceful handling of this situation Maxi. Unfortunately, I can't say the same of excobot. Hopefully they will come to realize that this is no way to run a business.
  3. This is an illegal site for illegal activities surrounding a not even popular game. Who are you? You are a no one, who will remain a no one on this community. Keep that in mind as you download more scripts and slowly come to realize that OSBot is lagging behind every other bot available. You have no idea who I am or what I have done kiddo. You judge your success in life over POPULARITY on a botting site. Now that, my friend, is the DEFINITION of pathetic. Do you even know English? Oh god, I really must have hit a new low to be so "pathetic." At least I'm not being a child that is upset because all his scripts will not be updated anymore because everyone is quitting. Where have you seen any advertising? Give us a link to prove this. Are you literally blind?
  4. Again another retarded kid jumping on the hate bandwagon with no reasons. Want me to hook you with Dashboard in person so you can fully give him the dick sucking you want to?
  5. This is an illegal site for illegal activities surrounding a not even popular game. Who are you? You are a no one, who will remain a no one on this community. Keep that in mind as you download more scripts and slowly come to realize that OSBot is lagging behind every other bot available. You have no idea who I am or what I have done kiddo. You judge your success in life over POPULARITY on a botting site. Now that, my friend, is the DEFINITION of pathetic. Do you even know English?
  6. How are you helping out the community exactly? It seems to me all you're doing is adverting your bot and your stream
  7. This is an illegal site for illegal activities surrounding a not even popular game. Who are you?
  8. olook its a staff member encouraging adverting thats cool
  9. Since some people (*COUGH shakurdashboard COUGH*) are having some trouble leaving after they quit, I think we should help them. An ip-ban will help them cleanse themself from OSBot, since they obviously are addicted to this site, seeing how much they are posting. I am only talking about those who quit after the shitshow last week, as these are the people who are merely quitting for attention. In addition, they are blatantly advertising a competitor, already against the rules.
  10. I'd love to have either the 250k or 150k /hour methods. I'm a script writer, and I could help you perfect it if you need. Thanks for considering me!
  11. There is a reason WBot was shut down and OSBot isn't. And that has to do with server locations as well as the fact that OSBot is registered as a business. NOT the ToS
  12. Lol @ these 4 year olds thinking a ToS is going to save them. You honestly think that if some random drug dealer has a site selling crack, which has a ToS that states that cops can't go on that site, that cops won't fuck that kid in the ass
  13. ITT beta fatasses who will never have a gf fantasizing about being beta
  14. That's a beautiful UI.. can I ask where you got it? I'd love something like that :p
  15. I would love to help, but this you have to make this script free. Otherwise it simply won't be fair.
  16. That's cool putting yourself up there not unbiased or anything.
  17. He only posted this for us to try for ourselves, not scream easy to prove you're the 1337est c0d3r that ever lived...
  18. 5 years of degradation for that.. wow must have been worth it.
  19. EDIT: wtf it double-posted
  20. Can you make me a paint: Name: zHobgoblinz by zScripz Time ran: XP/hour: XP gained: Limpwurts/hour: Limpwurts gained: Thanks so much if you can!
  21. So Wreck3d seems like an arrogant tool.
  22. Wow. 10/10 I have implemented this in all my scripts.
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