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Everything posted by Naked

  1. I'm curious how possible it is to solo for an average player (lvl 100 or so). Would make for a good script
  2. onLoop is basically a while(true) loop. It's the core of the script. It runs repeatedly until the script is stopped. ConditionalSleep is used to sleep until an action happens. I know a lot of people use this class for conditional sleeps: So to drop something, you may do: if(inventory.drop(itemId)) { Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> !inventory.contains(itemId), 2000); Thread.sleep(MethodProvider.random(100, 400)); } It really cleans it up.
  3. Scripts Naked Develops Generally refers to the highest quality of scripts. But yeah if you meant SDN listen to Gunman.
  4. Tut to maxed acc with premium antiban
  5. Any update on fixes for getTrade.accept() and the login handler?
  6. You can release anything unofficially, but be prepared to support the bug fixes, "can you change x", "can you make it less botlike", "can you add x".
  7. Naked here, contributing to this intelligent conversation. Thanks Mio
  8. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/158075--oldschool-tutorial-island-account-shop-/
  9. Creation/botting IP can be the same and still have locks. It's probably because the IP is flagged.
  10. I'm not supposed to tell you this but just uninstall Java 11 and install Java 8 idk dude beats me
  11. Pretty sure he wants to override the mouse path, not just how to instantly click it with mouse.click
  12. I'll reply with the usual: "Check your other accounts"
  13. I'd suggest looking at runelite, there's a lot to learn from it
  14. Create a database Have the script hit an endpoint every few minutes updating the time the script was last seen or dead Check the database every few minutes for # of accounts seen in the last few mins Launch new accounts as needed
  15. Possibly the most qualified person to ever exist for the position, this topic is to discuss the petition to appoint @Slicer to an OSBot Moderator.
  16. Naked


    Someone has a personality disorder. Pshh that's nothing I got like 12
  17. Naked


    Anything "can be" expensive. Tutorial bans are difficult to avoid. Just because the proxy is "fresh" to you, doesn't mean it hasn't been abused by someone else previously.
  18. @Malcolm Add cannon support pls
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