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Everything posted by Naked

  1. You can use -debug (random number between 5000 and 10000) in the cli command which will then close the client when you close the terminal (or us CTRL + C)
  2. So you want to manually close it? Does it become unresponsive (spamming NPEs and such)?
  3. 1) System.exit(0) inside the script to kill it 2) A database is the best backend. Otherwise, a .csv file with email, pass, proxy ip, proxy port, etc and parse that. Then use Runtime to launch with the arguments. 3) CLI allows full automation. A huge impact. The number of bots you can run depends on specs, as CLI just launches an instance.
  4. Naked

    Re: Token

    Oh damn. You should post a copy-paste tutorial sometime.
  5. Naked

    Re: Token

    How do we begin impeachment proceedings for Decode? Asking for a friend.
  6. Can confirm this. Anti-captcha won't load on some proxies. Had a hell of a time figuring this out.
  7. So you're sharing accounts? Also against the rules.
  8. Hard to test at scale when you're gray ? Correlation doesn't imply causation blah blah blah small scale tests mean nothing.
  9. Have sold him 45m or so + some tuts pp & no issues
  10. Disputed member: [member= @Zoo] Thread Link: Explanation: Sold him 100m gp. He said he would pay with BTC, which didn't go through. Claimed to BTC didn't go through. Gave him my PP and he stopped replying. Evidence: <HIDDEN> <HIDDEN>
  11. Naked


    Please fall off a bridge.
  12. Naked


    Even with advertising rights? I thought the issue with discord servers was trust.
  13. Naked


    $90/3 months Unsure on the service. Discord servers are not allowed if they're for a service or have a market section or some shit. (Scripter discords are allowed)
  14. Gotta practice them politician answers. #Naked2020
  15. Failure rate is low (not sure on actual number). Should always check if it's loaded. You can do this by looking for the element. Google captcha likes to misbehave when using a SOCKS connection
  16. anticaptcha Did you verify the captcha is loading?
  17. 1) Make sure your proxies aren't blocking the recaptcha from loading (Inspect and look at errors) 2) Use this to inject the captcha response: JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver; js.executeScript("document.getElementById(\"g-recaptcha-response\").innerHTML=\""+response+"\";"); 3) make sure you're submitting the form and not clicking it if(isElementPresent(driver, By.id("password-recovery-form"))){ driver.findElement(By.id("password-recovery-form")).submit(); }
  18. This is also true. Personal preference of mine to have the email match the username.
  19. Buy a domain. Catch-all email.
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