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Everything posted by Celestial

  1. Do you have a fire rune/ring of dueling method?
  2. Do you have a fire rune/ring of dueling method?
  3. You have to download and install the osbot client and then once you register there then you will see it in a scripts box
  4. Hey Khal its happened twice now but whenever I do full screen RS the bot will get stuck outside of the door when leaving to bank. It's happened twice and both times was when i went full screen mode. ~ Also is it possible to add a failsafe so if the bot hasnt made progress in 10 mins xp gained wise that it will just log out and end script? Are you running your game at full screen (meaning also having your game cover your monitor resolution?) You are welcome!
  5. The higher the HP the higher damage you take. Low HP and cheap foods help you out more.
  6. Hey Khal, where should I have the antiban meter set to? Does it change how much xp you get an hour?
  7. Hey Khal, Decided to buy it instead
  8. Hey Apa, just out of curiousity I am considering to check to see how quickly an account can get banned from suicide agility training (maybe breaks here and there). Is that okay with you? ~To add, I will be watching it here and there as well just for any points in time it gets stuck.
  9. Definitely interested in this bot. Gotta get better stats though. So is it recommended to get the stats you suggested? Or is that just optional?
  10. Hey Czar, are you the original owner of PerfectFighter? I remember the color scheme and everything from a bot I bought about 5-8 years ago. I think! RSBuddy or rsbots.net from way back in the day haha.
  11. Do you have any tips for training agility with this? Like safety and such?
  12. May I get a trial if possible?
  13. So I got a two day ban not too long ago i dont know if this was the bot but i used this the most. Just wanted to bring it to your awareness. Also, I am noticing that even if you dont have the stamina potions checked it will still try and take stam potions out of the bank and then run with the ores, deposit the ores, go back to the bank deposit the stam potion, pick up another stam potion (never uses it), and then the ores again and repeat.
  14. Does this work on cannonballs?
  15. I was gonna ask you for a trial but i trust you so I bought it. My question is how does the GE restock work? Does it sell the bars and buy more iron and coal?
  16. I'd like to give it a shot, but any tips on botting for agility?
  17. Thanks for the trial. I've been running it for a little over an hour. It is pretty smooth for the most part. One slight botlike issue is the door across the road from the Varrock bank (where the dummies are) gets opened and closed by the bot every time it comes back. Other than that, it withdrew money when needed to and can do about 1k planks an hour without breaks even though I took breaks.
  18. How well does this work with the fruit stalls? Is it possible to try it out?
  19. May I try this out?
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