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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Nothing wrong with what I’m saying. In no way against the rules. Also, just because you’re on this site doesn’t mean you’re reading the rules so even if they do find your name there’s nothing wrong unless they link you to something else. But it I think jagex has better things to do that hunt down me doing a giveaway.
  2. I wouldn’t be funding it so it’s whatever everyone decides to give.
  3. I’m not keeping anything for hosting but I may enter. Shit, he’s on to me. I don’t get it? You mean likes? Don’t think people would like account winnings lol.
  4. Noticed people been posting bonds or gp giveaways and people go crazy about that. Would anyone be interested in a big giveaway? You guys donate into the fund and choose the rules. Would be an interesting thought. What do you guys think?
  5. I'll probably do that later on but want to just get the pet first. May end up doing slayer since I can unlock Jad. Don't have a slayer helm but still it's double the chance for the pet and I get free 25k slay xp also.
  6. Samurai Jack Dextors Laboratory. Thunder Cats Pinky and the Brain Teen Titans Dragonball Z
  7. So I just went in and would you believe I took regular restores instead of super restores... I had to kill myself to reset fml https://prnt.sc/kf2od4 79 Range 77 Def 80 Pray 82 HP
  8. I never had a fire cape before. I never even attempted it because I was always told about how hard it was and that essentially just scared me from even trying it. Been playing this game for over 10 years and never had a fire cape just because I never cared about it enough but I never tried because of all the hype and fear people instilled upon me. I tried for my fire cape last week and got it pretty easily. I never thought it would be this easy and now I'm looking back and thinking about how bad all those kids were who were scaring tf out of me telling me how hard it is to get. So...Since no one has yet won my last possible giveaway with the water bottles, I'm going to do another one. It won't be instant but I'll do a 10m giveaway to whoever can guess the amount of attempts it takes for me to get the Jad Pet. ----- Rules: One entry per post per week. If you use up more entries, your winnings will be reduced to 1m. You can edit your posts. If you edit your post, your winnings will be reduced to 1m. Guesses reset weekly. If you made a guess last week then it must be updated (new post) the next week. If multiple people guess the same KC, then the first will be rewarded the majority depending on how many guessed. If multiple people give the correct KC, any edited posts will be disqualified. I must get at least 1KC per week. If I don't get 1KC in a week - unless something serious happens irl - then I will pay out 1m per unedited post. I must screenshot each KC to prove whether I received the pet or not. The screenshots will be uploaded once per week. Exception will be when I receive the pet at which this ends. Bonus 10m if anyone guesses the time I beat the fight in. Time must be within 20 seconds and must not be edited. No multiple winnings.
  9. What is Hawaiian pizza?

    1. Zappster


      Whats ur adress i'll show u

    2. RoomScape


      I think a picture or recipe would suffice. 

  10. I watched the tv show and it was amazing.
  11. Lol been hearing a lot of talk about the similarity recently. I blocked him a while ago. He has so much stuff that I can spend forever talking about lol. I just leave him be. ATF? Title sounds like Dante’s inferno lmao. The kids book? Sci fi magic?
  12. Anyone have some good book recommendations? Into non-fiction mostly. Not that interested in fiction or sci-fi, even though I've read some before. What's your favorite book?
  13. This isn't spam. Go do that in spam if you want but not the entire forum.
  14. Didn’t look hard from what I saw. Mostly just melee and the guys will throw poison at you so you walk around then protect range/mage then melee some more. More or less.
  15. I already saw that bottle but I'll look at it again. I liked the posts on the bottles I thought were interesting and will look at them again today. Just been busy with stuff so haven't had much time for this.
  16. If you’re making stuff it wouldn’t be a full carry. A carry is when you sit back and others do all the work so if you’re contributing it isn’t a carry. Yeah it’s how you get the fastest raids done.
  17. No point. Not going through all this effort. Thanks for the suggestion, though. Can be locked as I got an answer.
  18. Yeah of course. No point in having money in items on the account. Useful items = everything. Skilling, pvm, pvp, questing, minigames, etc. but 2-300 is ok I guess. May just keep it for that price.
  19. Yes. According to RJ elite. Only have like 10m cash but the rest are in items. It’s all useful items also. I just cleaned out my bank last month. I’d rather have a bunch of useful items and less money than a cash stack and have to go to the ge every hour.
  20. So low. No point in even doing that. Stats alone almost cost me that plus my time.
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