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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. You love making an ass of yourself, huh?

  2. Haven't played CoD in a bit.
  3. That may be so, but it's still 1/1 regardless of how it made you feel or not. Your expectations are pretty low. Why not set higher standards?
  4. Dont have that yet. Is it pretty good?
  5. Yeah, it's awesome. Please don't start about how Pc or Xbox is better. Also, I only know a few people who posted, but hi to everyone, I think.
  6. I'll say hello to you peasants. This shall be my good deed for the year. Who cares if it's at the end. At least I got it in before the new year. Now then... *flies back to PS4*
  7. ur gr8 i r8 8/8

  8. They said it could take up to two weeks...
  9. Still rocking that little chick I see.

    1. Alch


      Closest I'll ever get to holding it :(

    2. RoomScape


      Chicks ar very elusive creatures, much like that of a yeti.

    3. RoomScape


      It's probably because of all the fur they have.

      That must be it.

  10. Someone else was actually on my account when it got banned, so yeah.
  11. Thats not what I asked and this happened before. Now gtfo my thread you noob. You didn't try it the first time?
  12. Did anyone actually get unbanned?
  13. Don't tell me what to do.

    1. Maikie61


      But I need a maxed acc to stake on :(

    2. RoomScape


      And I need a life but there's no hope in hell of me getting that.

  14. NWHY DID NO ONE TELL ME ABOUT THIS?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!? !?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
  15. Pretty sure paying someone for homework is. Or was it just offering to do homework. Hmm
  16. Funny how this is coming from an ex mod and it's not even allowed. And then it's not even in the right section. And then he's only paying $3. Come on, OP.
  17. Hi.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mikasa
    3. RoomScape


      I was up til 3am walking these girls through the raid...only to have the boss glitch out on us, ffs.

      And now I have work in 30 minutes. Rip

    4. Mikasa


      rip lol. i accidentally did the raid twice last week, forgot you could only do it once. havent played since. strikes are boring now since always doing them with rands

  18. I'm pretty sure 10 is a two digit number. And OP, some things also count 00 as a two digit number, along with 01, 02, 03, etc. If you're looking for a number range of 10-99, then it's 90 possibilities
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