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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Forgot I need it for that quest but damn man it's taking a while.
  2. Chinning is a lot faster. Cannon is cheaper per gp but slower overall.
  3. You don't play? Looks awesome. Why not? Yeah, it looks amazing. I'm not home at the moment but hope I can get home before the game mode goes away.
  4. Out of the country and am feeling bad. I haven’t played recently but I want to hop on and rock that Thanos. Anyone played with it and having fun?
  5. You’re not supposed to edit the OP.
  6. Lmfao I was actually surprised that this wasn’t in Market > Other until I saw your post. ??
  7. I'm hoping that you're smart enough to have it in a company (LLC may be best) and so Jagex would not be able to pursue you for more than you have - as far as I know. I remember a few times they were threatened to shut down before Jagex filed any lawsuits. Another time Jagex had them shut down because the site had the term 'RS' in it which Jagex claimed copyright. But legally, I don't see anything wrong with selling gold in an online game. If you breach their (Jagex) specific terms of service, then they have the right to ban you - they have the right to ban you regardless, but yeah. I can't see how you can successfully get sued by Jagex for a monetary amount for selling gold in their games unless it's breaking one of the UK laws (or laws of where your store is operating). I'm not a lawyer so you should probably go get a lawyer to talk to you about your options and be better informed opposed to taking random advice from a random guy on an online random site.
  8. Depends on damages, court fees, lawyer fees. But most importantly, what the court approves - should they win. And you can get sued for any reason at any time. The only difference is whether or not you'll win the lawsuit.
  9. lol'd Made me laugh. This picture is amazing.
  10. Bro you trying to sell your account?

    1. Deceiver


      later on, yes

    2. RoomScape


      I feel like I have a bond though with that name. :(

    3. Deceiver
  11. I just read that quote you added into the OP. I get what you’re trying to do but doubt it’ll help ultimately. There are complete idiots in the marketplace - for a lack of a better word - and will get scammed regardless or what you do, say or implement to try and keep them safe. Some people like getting scammed while others just have money to blow since they’re either really bored, really rich or a combination of the two and really stupid. If this is offensive to some people then good - hopefully this will actually help you since obviously nothing that has been done has. There will always be scammers and there will always be people looking to be scammed, whether they realize it or not. Although I'm always for helping people and trying to prevent scams, I just think that awareness is a lot better than requirements as requirements will always find a new way to be bypassed. It’s really hard to search anything without the search bar, but I’ve seen a number of people claim to have had an account recovered by a user with under 100 post count after that rule was implemented. Whether they knew about the 100 post count requirement is irrelevant to the fact that they either went first or bought an account from a no name user with under 100 posts on this forum. There’s just nothing you can do about that and everything you try to do will be thrwarted by those same people you try helping because they’re just stupid. I honestly don’t have any other explanation for why this happens. So while this isn’t necessarily a horrible idea, I’m not sure how helpful it’ll actually be. It may just be more work as users will spam even more vigorously trying to get that 100 post count for yet another part of the forum to be unlocked or they’ll start posting their price checks in other categories of this forum.
  12. I never thought you were trying to get rid of it but I just don't think that adding a 100pc requirement just like account sales would be beneficial in this party, but who knows. Next there's going to be a requirement to sell gold, then to buy, then everything else. I'm not opposed to adding requirements in to certain sections, I just don't see the point in it. Price check is a estimate and has nothing to do with the rest of the forum. What's next, if someone wants a price check on an account but doesn't have the 100 posts, would they be able to ask someone to post a price check for them and both parties get infracted for that?
  13. They should just be infracted as if they were trying to sell an account - I think it's a temp ban? I don't know. I think an account value shouldn't be based on the OP when making a price check as it has nothing to do with how much the account is worth. When you actually go to sell the account then that has something to do with the value since trusted/not trusted makes a difference. But a price check is just an estimate of value.. Just like when you get your car valued. It's valued on mileage, year, make and model for the most part. When you actually go to sell it, though, they start looking at all the little intricate flaws of the car since it's then being for sale.
  14. Right, but if you're posting that the account is worthless - that is obvious spam. That was my counter suggestion. The OP stated that there should be a 100 post count in order to post price checks I believe.
  15. There are rules against spam. That’s considered spam and that should be an infraction.
  16. No, it's spam just like the person saying it's worthless and they should be treated just like the person saying it's worthless - unless, of course, they actually want to buy the account for 100m...then that's a totally different, probably mental issue. Also, just because it's your opinion doesn't mean you have to state it, you know what I mean? I see a lot of stuff that I have opinions about in the market but don't post it because it's not the place. If it's spam or has something to do with the topic or if I'm questioned then I'll post. But just posting your opinions everywhere is pretty pointless, waste of your time (along with the person reading it) and just completely unwanted in most situations.
  17. I thought I already answered this? Basically, every account is worth something, regardless of whether or not you'd pay for it. Just because you deem it to be worthless doesn't make it so. And if someone is posting 100m to an fresh tutorial account that's worth around 100k or less, then that is also spam and they should be treated just as the person calling it worthless.
  18. You're turning this thread into something different because of either personal issues or because of something you want it to be. This thread is about price checks so let's keep it on that instead of what the OP has done prior because that is irrelevant to this. A price check is a price check. If the account is 'worthless' in your opinion, that's fine. But why waste your time saying it's worthless? There is no definitive price to an account and it's always about opinions. RS accounts have so much diversity that it's hard to give accounts a definitive price so it's purely opinion based and how much you would pay for it. If someone would offer 5m for the account it's obviously not worthless and just because you think so doesn't make it so. Thus, if an account is worthless then just don't post. This isn't spam and you wouldn't - or shouldn't - go into a gold sellers thread complaining that their price is too high and not to buy as that is also spam.
  19. This isn't about selling accounts. This is about price checks. You going on to someone's thread and saying their account is worthless is pure spam in the market section, just like me going onto another guy's gold thread saying his gold price is too high and over priced is spam. If you think it's worthless then why waste your time posting that it's worthless? Everything has value, remember that.
  20. Like I saw someone mention earlier, a completely fresh tutorial island account is worth 75-100k depending on the seller. So no account is worthless. If you believe it to be worthless then just don’t post man. It’s not that hard a thing to understand. Let the owner figure that out but you posting it being worthless is just spam and not needed in the market. And if someone says 100m call them out and say it’s only 10m at most. But shitposting just to say it’s worthless is just that - shitposting in market.
  21. Price check has nothing to do with the actual sale of an account. It’s simply getting an estimate. I don’t think there should be an requirement for you checking your account worth. How about instead, we just infraction the people who spam the market? There are too many threads where people just spam ‘worthless’, ‘not 100 pc’, etc when that’s not what is being asked.
  22. Won’t work. Unless you get lucky, they ban the account for infractions the account has on it. If the account uses a bot even from another IP jagex will say it’s your fault for the lack of security and you’re responsible for whatever happens and will keep the account banned. Theres obviously always a chance but that’s what I’ve been told for the past four years now.
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