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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. You must think you're slick. Like farming rule was removed by you: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/35694- Three days later you went and like farmed: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/36264- You wanted to like farm, but you couldn't because of that rule. You didn't want to seem like a hypocrite breaking your own rules so you deleted that rule so that you could like farm. Now that you have like farmed, you're going to change your mind and add the no like farming back. Don't try me, I'm a psychic. inb4lock inb4ban inb4nolikefarming inb4
  2. Just because you don't see a dog as a dog doesn't mean it's not a dog.
  3. But you're scamming now... 2 wrongs don't make a right...He scammed, leave him be. You scamming him won't be any better, tbh.
  4. Not that into card games. :| Aside from YuGiOh, that's different. x]
  5. Ooh, got VIP! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoomScape


      Nice! Be sure to chance your member title. :P

    3. iOS


      Where coudl I do that? :P

    4. RoomScape


      I think you have to PM a mod, not sure if you can do it yourself.

      It's that: http://prntscr.com/2qbtdv

  6. Ooh, that's nice. Cheers!
  7. Ooh, you can do that with scripts too?Would you buy a $X voucher or the script voucher?
  8. I think Maldesto would make a better super mod.
  9. As do I. How much for one card? -.-
  10. Don't worry, mate, I got you. Now, about that one powerabuse free card you mentioned earlier...
  11. I already did. All it did was give me a PiP with no red name or perks. I could see the ACP, but it was a dead link so nothing happened when I clicked it. I cried the entire time until I deleted my PiP.
  12. On my phone, ffs. I'll PM it to you when I'm on my laptop (tomorrow) and you just edit it from there?
  13. While you're at it, fix all the grammatical mishaps in that thread along with the rules. It's paining my eyes to look at it. I tried to edit it but nothing happened. Stupid restrictions.
  14. Wouldn't it have been simpler to just answer here?
  15. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/24588- Add Mikasa to the supermod lost you lazy nubs.
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