Although it's quite popular here, I'm not sure how many of you have tried this - if any.
It's an extremely addictive chemical that once you take it, you usually don't stop. I've personally tried it a few times and it didn't suit me so well, but I know a lot of others that are addicted to it (they use it multiple times on a weekly basis), which is sad.
I try to convince them that it's bad for them and that they should stop, but they have been taking it since they were kids so it's quite hard for them to stop. My own family takes it regularly (every other day or so) and tell me I'm crazy for not doing it with them. I still remember my first time, I was about six or seven, maybe even eight. My brothers were with me, they were younger than I was, the youngest was maybe five - crazy, I know!
I know what most of you are thinking - this 'kid' is lying and trying to act cool. I assure you, I am not lying and everything that I've said is the honest truth. I'm lucky that I wasn't addicted to this, as many before me were, but I have God to thank for that. I took a little bit a while back since my mom tempted me, but I've been clean since.
Should you ever hear or come across this chemical, please, don't try it. You'll become hooked on it like Phonics.