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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. They stopped chasing after me after I hacked into their database.
  2. "RoomScape tried to hack me" Said no one ever.
  3. That awkward moment when I posted this from home...
  4. I find that funny considering your avatar. I also highly doubt it's your gf or anything either. pls don't hate me
  5. Search in the App Store: "Java Programming Language" there are a few good results that look promising. I don't see the app in the app store any longer so maybe it's been removed? I even went to it on my phone and just saw a black white screen.
  6. Java Organce shining JAVA pic.
  7. That just goes to show you how much attention you dedicate to PM's.
  8. There's an app but they've since updated it to where you have to buy compiles through in app purchases.
  9. I don't just tell people how I do it...I showed one kid and he tried to ddos me. I have multiple IP's, so he be failed miserably since he only had one, but I stopped showing people after that. It took him a week to get back on Skype after he tried that bs.
  10. I'm reporting all of you for harassment. ;(
  11. Can you change my time to -5 gmt, pls.
  12. I'm 20. :| And yes, gotta show them who's in charge. He wouldn't be the first and I doubt he'll be the last.
  13. I'm 6'3, so I kind of am big. Problem? :troll1:
  14. So far one person is on to me, I must get rid of him. Too bad he won't be able to connect to the internet shortly..
  15. You lucky you told that guy to F off when he asked for sex.
  16. 5m is more than I have at the moment. Hmm, I'll see what I can do.
  17. Now that that's settled... What's up? :)

  18. He's mine. You better gtfo before shit gets real.

  19. wtf you looking at Sasuke's profile for?

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