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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. You can either Report your post (OP of the thread whose name you want changed) and say what you want it changed to in the report box - preferred method - or you can PM a mod with a link to your thread and what new title you'd like. I believe sponsors have the ability to change their own thread titles without having to ask a mod to do it. You don't need a rank to have your title changed, you just need a rank to change it yourself - it's just simpler that way.
  2. Why not just add credit card use?
  3. It's minimal cooperation. I can make the thread if need be and just update it every time there's a valid scam report.
  4. Bartender, I'll have whatever he's had.
  5. Can someone delete megamans post? That's just stupid. ._.
  6. I'm at my quota for today. Staff are a bunch if trolls.
  7. I've honestly never seen that before making this thread...They're on to us!!!
  8. Wtf, who edited my OP with that red text?
  9. -.-Staff's reaction to my above post: :troll1:
  10. Are you low on likes? Do you feel insecure about yourself due to the low number of likes you have? Fret no longer! This thread shall solve all your problems! Simply like my post and post below and I will like yours. You can also ask others to like your post too! Remember, though, you must give a like to receive a like. With that said, let the liking begin! Likes must never be given upon request. If requested to give a like, simply ignore that post and report the thread and/or post to the closest available moderator or administrator. Post are not to be requested liked to avoid like farming. Likes are a serious business and should only be given when earned.
  11. Yes, why? If I wanted PC I could post it in Community Discussion. Just trying to liven up this section and I'm somewhat bored. I think you mean autistic. :troll1:
  12. SNITCH!!! http://osbot.org/forum/topic/38748-
  13. That's what I thought, but I wanted to make sure.
  14. I doubt it. How about you stfu and gtfo my thread you cheating whore.
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