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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. @Ba5ic Who was he? I didn't see a scam report or anything.
  2. if they're not doing it because they saw I want it free then I guess they can't read either and it's best this way.
  3. I'd do the same and tell him. Odds are that she'd did it to him and she'll do it to you. I wouldn't be too mad unless I've spent a few years with her or something. I'd just say f it and walk away. I don't get why people cheat in the first place. They could just leave. I don't know if they think they're doing something good by not hurting the others' feelings or something, but cheating on someone is worse than just leaving, in most situations.
  4. It's the black one? It looks nice. Guess we should change that. :troll1:
  5. You're my sex slave. I better not catch you saying that to anyone else.
  6. Just think about the people who have 99 fletch...
  7. "Snitches are bitches that fall in ditches and end up with stitches."
  8. F logic.I don't care all that much, just saying it's weird. It's pointless to be seen outside if market, but that's just my opinion.
  9. Why would I need to see someone's fb in spam or discussion? It's totally irrelevant there. It's only relevant in market where it actually counts. Outside of market it doesn't mean anything. If you want to see someone's fb, you can just clik on their profile and go to fb. I'm just saying it's pointless to add it to sections where it's not necessary.
  10. He didn't give me extra gp, he gave me less than what we agreed.
  11. We agreed on 15m 80k EoC for my 07, but he only gave 15m.
  12. That's wtf you get. At least now you can't use the money you scammed me! Everyone is spamming my scam report. :| Dispute Rules Failure to follow them will result an in infraction and/or ban. You may only post if you are: Original poster of the topic The person under dispute Involved in the trade and/or can provide valuable evidence. Have permission from a staff member.
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