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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. We already have one: http://osbot.org/forum/forum/160-community-discussion/
  2. Some mod change this to mithril. looooooool, so true. xD
  3. RoomScape


    He said something about my mom dying first!!
  4. RoomScape


    My grandma died and I didn't feel much although I was close to her. Is that normal, or am I just an anomaly?
  5. RoomScape


    Actually, yes... To be honest. I wouldn't say I get sad, but I can switch moods depending on the necessary circumstances. I don't think I get sad, though.,, maybe more of a disappointed feeling? True, some people don't know how to control their emotions and are ar their whim. It's more of a weak person, though.
  6. RoomScape


    I think it's more ignorance than arrogance.
  7. RoomScape


    No, but you can choose who to love, what to be scared of and who to envy. Initially, it's a reaction. Ultimately, it's a decision.
  8. RoomScape


    You're in control of your emotions just like you're in control of your thoughts and actions.
  9. Autocorrect at its finest. Even tried changing my 'its' to 'it's'.
  10. The racism is gone!! I'd like to thank everyone that helped me withstand this racism and combat it head on. I knew that it'd pass by if I were patient for a while. Also, I'd not only like to thank Jesus, but also God. Thank you. Thank you.
  11. RoomScape


    That comparison is way off. You can come to love someone after spending ikr with them and growing fond of them. Although it's not immediate, you tend to be with them more and more as time passes by. This is because you're getting used to the person and choose to be with them. If you can't control it then it would be set one way or another.
  12. RoomScape


    If you can't control your feelings, then how does love turn into hate and vise versa?
  13. That's us! We stuff each others face while crying about how to feed the poor. 'Murica!
  14. >implying his mom has any. And believe me, I'd know. :troll1:
  15. Can he like my post?If no, can you?
  16. If it still looks nice, so be it?
  17. Nah are my initials and it's in my current rsn so I want it.
  18. I will literally pay for the name, "Nah", if anyone can get it.
  19. So true. British by birth, but American by heart!
  20. I'm on mobile and I didn't see your name colored. I've failed Astrola. Then think of it as a sentence restructure.
  21. I wasn't asking you a question, I was fixing you sentence. ._. I've been looking for the one he's supposed to give (I hear rumors about it) but I haven't found it. I've been searching for the past few months to no avail.
  22. I know, they're all just haters! They will talk about us all the way to the airport to catch the next plane over here then smile in our face.
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