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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. That'd be severely limiting the market. Besides, there's nothing to stop 'verified or with some nice fb' to scam and recover the account.
  2. Scripts don't ensure trust, though... And unless someone bought a lot of scripts, I don't think it would make a big difference unless it's around the price the person is selling the account for. Someone could buy scripts adding up to $10 but then sell an account for $50 and say he bought scripts, then scam and make off with $40.
  3. I don't get it...are you a black poster because of your clothes or because of the content within the heart of your soul?

    1. GoEasyLmNew


      Neither, I am literally a black poster. I am a movie poster for the film Black (2005)

    2. RoomScape
    3. solononforever
  4. You sold someone candy membership?

  5. lmao, I made a thread like this before. :P
  6. We need to have an argument on this thread then have a mod come lock it.
  7. I have the iPhone app and that shit is GAY!!
  8. Sorry, I don't speak that language.
  9. What does your sorry actually do for me, though?
  10. If it isn't it better be, otherwise it's an incomplete ToS. I mean, every ToS has that.
  11. My ToS? We have global ToS for a reason.
  12. Deal was I give him bond for gp and we both fb each other. I fb'd him but he didn't fb me. Can a mod ban him? I don't even want compensation. Just want to see that scammer banned. Edit: I'm going to sleep. Please ban him before I wake up so I can start it off as a good day. Thanks.
  13. We need to do that again. This time I won't kick on accident. :(

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