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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Members get 4 hours. VIP get 3 hours. Sponsor get 2 hours. Sounds good to me.
  2. http://osbot.org/forum/chat/
  3. I don't have any coins. Take any bills?
  4. There's a ctrl + f feature. :p
  5. Staff isn't saying anything and I don't know what they'll do if I start it myself.
  6. Would you consider $75k? I would offer $50k, but I don't want to rip you off.
  7. $500 donated? You going to get that $500 donor rank? :o

  8. Happy birthday!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RoomScape
    3. Dog_


      mod Levi plz ban RoomScape he is being meen 2 me

    4. RoomScape


      I'm not being mean. :(

      Besides, Levi can't do shit!


  9. Because of le master troll. Got banned for pls.
  10. Wtf, how'd you change your name with no sponsor?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RoomScape


      Seems legit. I just rather have the same name. :P no added abbreviations.

    3. lolmanden
    4. RoomScape


      Such hatred

      much anger


  11. You don't, the theory behind that is that if people get 100 posts, they'll know at least a little about the forums and, hopefully, read some of the stickied threads and other threads about how to stay safe and not get scammed. Also, scammers tend to have minimal patience so some of them won't bother to get 100 posts.
  12. I already do this. I charge people for it and they actually pay, LOL!
  13. Just get 100 posts, you're ~1/3 the way there. Or since Maldesto reset your PC, ask him to give you 100.
  14. I was there! Alek kicked me like 9001 times and I couldn't enter chat for a long time.
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