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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Erza" data-cid="511917" data-time="1396872994"><p><p>fake and gay, my face is .jpg not .png
  2. I take your and raise you one :ph34r:
  3. I can't believe you're calling someone else a baby with a face like this:
  4. Delete the bot and go to the phishing link. You'll be safe, bro.
  5. Don't give me that bs. OSBot hacks your account, not those phishing links...I can't believe this. The admins are brainwashing you!
  6. This'll result is a loss of script revenue for certain scripts. Although... It may be a means to encourage scripters to update their scripts more so that there'll be less complaints and they can also see what people are mad about. Besides, if there's a bad script, you would want to know before blindly buying it and wasting your time and potentially getting banned.
  7. That's my point. It's technically allowed at the moment...
  8. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you did anything wrong. I'm just saying we need to rethink our rules.
  9. Posts would get annoying being updated every few minutes.
  10. I see that as a major loophole. Some scammer will come along doing what you guys allow within the rules to farm fb and seem trusted before scamquitting. Be right back, going to sell everyone 500k after I sell them a bond and a fresh account since I swapped gp over for them.
  11. If you see it that way, prohibit fb from bond sales.
  12. What's that .gif in your sig?

    1. Basic


      Mahiro Fuwa

      from the anime

      Zetsuen no tempest

    2. RoomScape


      Ooh, looks cool. I'll check it out. Thanks!

  13. Well, guess it's time to kill @Bae
  14. You left me fb and I tried to leave you fb and kept the same thing.
  15. I've seen one saying wait 60 seconds before, but never this...
  16. You say that on the outside, but this is how you look on the inside:
  17. There's no set time limit.
  18. I don't think you can do it on IPB, just saying not to allow it. If it pops up, delete and infract for multiple offenses.
  19. I'm not saying it's fake fb, I'm saying it's fb farming. It doesn't matter if they're real or not. Four in 1.5 hours is crazy.
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