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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. RoomScape

    Need a sig.

    I would like a sig that has buttons in it - where there's text and you can click it to link to a thread. Example: I would like the sig to match my current avatar, if possible. Preferrably the yellow/orange color of $100 donor. I can pay with GP (RS3 or 07) or by PayPal. Let me know your price before you get started and I'll tell you what I think of the price. Forum color for $100 donor is: #FFD700 Not sure if that's helpful or not, but whatever. Also, I want the sig to be transparent. I hate pictures that aren't transparent. Just matching the forum color is annoying and won't really work on other forum skins.
  2. Soon to be #4.

  3. You'd be the one to sympathize with his avatar. xD
  4. You need 100 posts to sell accounts, just so you know.
  5. Yes, they can. You buy it with your cc then call your bank saying you didn't authorize it or buy it with frauded ccs.. Yeah, paying it with my next paycheck.
  6. Think I'll get shitted on and the guy will reverse the payment. Gff luck.
  7. He has 100% feedback. I'd trust him.
  8. Megaman saved you tonight. I'll be back tomorrow.
  9. He got a fb and kicked me.
  10. I'm pretty sure Mod takes away adverts also.
  11. I've never actually changed my IP as I've never had a reason to. Is it seriously that simple? I thought I'd have to be a big hacker/coder guy to do this.
  12. This fag is finally leaving? Thank god!
  13. Are you botting or doing it legit? I'm not home all the time and I've lost tons of hours. I'm also training then someone wants to trade and I have to stop, lol.
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