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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Look who's back. :o

    1. RoomScape



      May want to try getting your donor rank back, lol.

  2. Yeah, it's been like that for a while. Not sure if it can be fixed or not.
  3. There's a few little bugs with the mobile version, lol.
  4. So TWC just blocks out everything else? Lol. :pOh well.
  5. I don't think it's supposed to look like this... Unless it changed since I got off my laptop last night..
  6. You don't count. 5+ pages to qualify.
  7. If that's how it works, ads would be disabled temporarily every time something from the store gets purchased.
  8. You won't have a colored name, you'll have a white, italicized name. You should have all the VIP benefits. I believe @McFirm did when he had VIP. However, @lolmanden claimed that he didn't when he bought VIP and requested a refund due to that. You won't have a colored name, but you should have the benefits of VIP. If not, just request a refund like @lolmanden did. The whole point of them is to bring in additional revenue to OSBot since it's not free to run a site and developers wish to seek some profits from their time invested into the site and bot. Telling people to just get an Ad Block isn't such an ethical move.
  9. This kid told me that his mom told him he can eat whatever he wants so long as he goes to the gym 30 minutes a day.
  10. https://www.osbot.org/forum/topic/46781-roomscape-kicks-without-reason/
  11. Does he mean RS or OSBot? I just thought he meant he couldn't log into the bot..
  12. You asked and I said yeah.
  13. I made a thread asking that and he said no. I said if I buy sponsor twice, will I get $100 donor? He said no. I was saddened. Doesn't really have benefits aside from no ads...
  14. I didn't really mean it, just saying. Although I did think some would on another site and I was right every time but one, I think.
  15. You can't just ban someone because you have a hunch. I have a hunch someone will scam, that means an admin should just ban?
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