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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. I'm not sure this will really change it...but who knows. Probably will only change because people actually think it's going to change and therefore the price will rise due to hype only. If I'm wrong, I lose money. If I'm right, I save time trying to buy it. In either scenario, it's not a big issue to me. This is basically how it works. If the account is strong enough then it can fight the monks and then tele grab.
  2. guys can someone help me the bot isn't working and it was just working does anyone know what happened? i am trying to bot but it doesn't load pls help i can pay 100k to people who help me fix the bot because this is very important to me pls
  3. Are there any other restrictions on TWC besides not being able to sell accounts?

    1. Night
    2. RoomScape


      That's weird. Oh well.

  4. RoomScape


    19m Bank required.
  5. 200k per TWC shouldn’t affect you from selling accounts. Just the 100 posts. Unless something changed.
  6. 10m each. Not interested in mage arena.
  7. Not interested in skilling. Want one person for everything or what?
  8. Give both options. Doesn’t matter since you can’t sell an account with less than 100 posts.
  9. Why would you even do that? lol. Doesn't even make sense. Why would you have to go into the wild for him to trade you something? Get lured, loool! Dude... Aye, cool kid in school off of RS. xD
  10. This one was ok. Not one of their better ones but it's alright.
  11. Yeah, this one was good. Answering my question with another question, huh? Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for asking!
  12. Not that people are greedy. It’s an hour long quests, give or take depending on persons skill and account stats/equipment. On top of that, gp prices are currently like .7-.75 so it’s not really that much, but nice finding someone cheaper I guess.
  13. I think we’re talking about two different things.
  14. But then he’d be scamming so..... That red name is so cool bro. How’d you get it? I want it. Red and twc ftw.
  15. I’ll do 2m per account. Done later today. It’ll probably take an hour or so.
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