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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. And that's all they shall ever be.
  2. If you don't want to get banned, don't bot.
  3. Past accounts (if you know of any): @pookie74 Current account: @Cockroach Reasoning: Skype: (Hide reasoning, please)
  4. OP is mad that people are doing what he did - steal someone's avatar.
  5. There are mini cupcakes...?
  6. I feel like crying. Wish I could redo and choose like so I don't have my heart broken.
  7. Ooooh, ok. That explains a lot.
  8. The world is filled with insanity because of you. When did we get a Santa emoticon?
  9. I'd get #1 so that I could multiply the money and do #2 by myself. Kill two birds with one stone, ftw.
  10. I do hope you realize that those are fighting words.
  11. Dislike. I'm prepared, do your worst.
  12. That's a lot of text. But that's life, OP. Shit happens and shit is real.
  13. Lmao, I hope you know I'm joking. And you didn't even show them my spoiler.
  14. Your posts are real weak, add some juice to them.
  15. Dis like. I found a glitch in the matrix, so I would appreciate it if you didn't cherry pick and give me both. Kthxbai
  16. RoomScape


    I feel so important right about now. :blush:
  17. Although I'm a miracle worker, I cannot help ignorance. Nonetheless, I took the time out of my precious day to do as OP requested all while he read my PM and either couldn't find the time or didn't care enough to look for the time to take out of his worthless twc filled day to reply to my PM. I am so hurt that it's unbearable.
  18. You guys are just mad that your illiterate self couldn't understand that the OP wanted you all to PM him rather than shit on his marvelous thread. Then good ol' @RoomScape came along and could actually read and understood OP and all of his feels. Fortunately for OP, I, too, express my feels at times when no one truly and fully understands the severity of what I am actually feeling at that specific moment in my life, so I know what it's like for him. However severe it may be on him, I shall be here through thick and thin to give him a piece of my mind and let him know how I feel. I shall not relent from my duty nor shall I waiver from it for any reason until I being OP to his knees and make him realize that what he has done gives him first place in being flamed. Hopefully my journey is a short one, that is all I can ever hope for, but it rarely is. Though many may believe my journey is fictitious or hyperbolized, I assure you that it is real in its entirety. Now, I bid you farewell for now. I shall go harass OP in another PM.
  19. LOOOOL, BRO!! You should've wasted his time trolling him giving him 9001 excuses why you're taking so long and how you gave 200m to sell to him. L2troll
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