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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Ooh, haven't seen you in a while.
  2. That would be a compelling argument, if I bot. And I donated $100 because I could, not so I could bot. (PS: $100 donors don't get bot privileges so we only have one bot - unless it's been changed)
  3. Orp scammed? o.o And wasn't Route hacked?
  4. Want to put your money where your mouth is?
  5. If people don't want to get banned, they shouldn't bot...
  6. Last time I remember not using proper grammar was way before I came to any bot site which was over 5 years ago. And yeah, I was.
  7. Maybe you should put up a poll so people could vote. I don't have much of a preference, though.
  8. I feel so loved. I miss all of you guys, too!
  9. I hear you were trying to steal my crown and did such a shitty job at it that everyone is raging at you. I'm impressed.
  10. Wtf did all of you people do to my glorious thread???
  11. Don't you have to go talk to him to get the xp? Oh.
  12. My thread isn't closed...ggwp
  13. My thread isn't closed and it isn't targeting staff. ggwp
  14. That awkward moment when CBA isn't staff. At least have some merit to your troll. :|
  15. Ooh, thanks. Didn't even notice. ;o
  16. Yeah, that's pretty good. I personally don't like windows 8 so I'd throw that away it try buying it with windows 7 or just get a cd for it, but that's pure preference. I think an i5 is better for gaming, though.
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