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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. lol, I remember when everyone was saying Dylan for mod a little while back. xD
  2. I don't see how pooping on someone in front of everyone would make anyone look cool...
  3. AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH omg omg omg omg omg HALP!!!
  4. Smart just resigned from CBA so idk.
  5. All of them? Oh? Why do people think I'm talking about myself or want them to mention me...?
  6. Names, I need names! I'm inclined to say smart, but who knows.
  7. That's it? Thought he tried at least double that.
  8. Apply for CBA since Arctic is gone.
  9. Oh, there you are! Haven't seen you in a bit so I thought you died or something.
  10. the ex staff pip is pretty cool, wish I could just get it. If only CBA counts.
  11. Wait, no one ever said anything about making points. I have to make a point? >.<
  12. That's like you botting and getting banned then asking if the script you're using is legit or not...
  13. Not your intentions? So you're just naturally and subconsciously stalking people?
  14. That awkward moment when op is talking about a pm he got and everyone thinks he's asking a question and for their opinion.
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