Yeah. They should at least mention that they're linking their referral link instead of acting like they're doing it out of the kindness of their heart.
I thought that maybe if you haven't used an IP in a while that Jagex will unflag it thinking you aren't botting on that IP anymore. Obviously they won't if they keep having bans relating to that IP, but if the IP goes inactive, wouldn't they have a reason to unflag it?
I know they flag IPs and they stay flagged for a while - reused VPN's and proxies are still flagged - but does Jagex ever unflag an IP?
I would hope so, after a certain amount of time, but I've never heard anyone say their flagged IP has been unflagged.
Jagex has been stepping up their game, unfortunately. I never botted for this reason, but now I see people quitting left and right.
Glad you'll still be sticking around, though. You're a cool and funny guy.