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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Did you try refreshing the page or using another browser? What browser did this happen on?
  2. fu man fuBut I'm in here so ooooh. There are so many people on here for it to be good. It should be cut down to a handful. :|
  3. Best artist. That can be lumped into best member. That by itself isn't so great in my opinion, but I don't know.
  4. Shouldn't that be coupled with best member?
  5. Feel free to suggest some categories. If others like it and it makes sense I'll be more than happy to add it.
  6. I'm going to hold a competition for a few categories! Below are a few examples. Feel free to post suggestions of possible categories. If it makes sense, I'll add it. Best member. Best staff. Best marketer. - Best service/mm? Most trusted/legit. - Not most fb'd. -- Rules: 1 vote per member per category. User must be active Vote must pertain to category (I can't vote someone who's never been staff as staff or someone who is rarely in market as best marketer). -- What do you guys think? Only top 5 nominees will move forward to the voting step for each category. Hoping to start this soon for the entire year (vote is for the year). If enough people like it, I'll post a thread within the next few months for the votes of this year.
  7. Someone's going to say that OSBot hacked their account.
  8. Oops, I meant it the other way around. xD He sold him gp so he said 'bought gp' as in *he 'bought gp'* But idk. This is one reason why I leave semi clear fb. xD
  9. Aaaaaand the sponsor is gone.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RoomScape


      Gtfo my profile feed you nub. I never gave you permission to reply to this status.

    3. The Hero of Time

      The Hero of Time

      i dont need your permission to post :troll:

    4. RoomScape
  10. I think @Probemas bought the 5m, but idk.
  11. Whenever I suspect someone of ban evading, they usually are. I posted on his wall two or three days ago saying he's a ban evader which he deleted. xD That's .
  12. I just know something needs to change because this isn't going to work out much longer.
  13. Ok, then don't you think we should try to change that? Especially now since the bot isn't the best.
  14. This site is dead. Community isn't doing much except complaining about how the bot is horrible and people just do their own thing. I never botted and I'm not in market at the moment. Only reason why I even get active on sites is because I see potential in the community. I want OSBot to grow and everything, but it's kind of hard considering its current position. That being said, yes. I do believe having post count in 'spam' will help. There are also a bunch of other stuff possible that can help bring this site back up. If you only have one point of interest in something - here being the bot - and that thing losing its edge, that thing, regardless of what it is, will die out eventually. We need to increase the stuff this site offers. Sections for other games, more defined community where people can participate in, etc. This will also indirectly help out the rest of the site like the bot and the market areas. Don't take this as an insult, but rather tip as for what needs to be done. Something needs to be done and it needs to happen now. People are losing interest day after day and if we don't want to end up as some two bit bot site with a dead community and half added market with nothing else to do on the site, stuff needs to change. This has more to do with simply the Devs working on the bot and keeping it updated, but that is a big part seeing as how the majority of this site revolves around the bot status.
  15. I told him to make impostor skypes but he didn't. :|
  16. Because we get the girl chromosome before the male and girls have nipples. When we get the male chromosome the nipple development ceases while with the female it continues. I don't.
  17. I need to go teach those disrespectful ********as a lesson.
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