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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. They delete instead of ban sometimes. And to be honest, Jagex can do anything they want. It's their game, lol. You guys may see it as not fair, but it's their game they're letting you play regardless of how much time, swear or effort you put into it. They decide what happens and if they believe you to bot, there's nothing you can do aside from trying to convince them otherwise. It amazes me how some people tell me that they're going to sue Jagex simply because they got banned for botting and how Jagex is scamming their gold and time by playing. I like how we said the same thing at the same time. Mines just posted afterwards because I was typing more. xD
  2. Why is Jeff @Jeff? I need this answer for, uhh..., research purposes. :ph34r:
  3. You posted on half those threads yourself, lol. And if that's the worse you've ever seen, you haven't seen many. :p Not trying to be rude or anything, lol. Just saying. I've seen a lot worse, they went on for pages so eleven threads isn't that big of a deal. :p
  4. Not interested in it anymore.
  5. It was to have the most fb and be número uno, but work picked up irl and I can't be as active for trades so I kind of gave up on that. Maybe I'll try again later when work slows down? Then I wanted donor, which I got. Then I wanted lifetime sponsor, which I got. Then I wanted verified mm, which I got. Then I wanted triple verified, which I got. Now, I don't know. What should I strive for?
  6. I wouldn't suggest buying an account, lmao. If you're all that keen on spending it, use it to start a small good shop? At least you can make money that way.
  7. Yup. It's worse because there's not even a chance of a successful appeal.
  8. Ooh, I see. Why the name change? And if they don't do it, they probably just haven't read this thread. Try sending a supermod a pm. :p
  9. If it says your account is disabled, you're banned. If it says invalid info, try resetting your password and let them send you an e mail. When they do, check the e mail. If it says 'Character Name Unavailable', that means your account is banned.
  10. Bot Busting ban is supposed to be when a bot hunting mod actually goes out looking for bots and finds them. When they ban them, it's called a 'Bot Busting' ban. These are supposed to be 1000% accurate and therefore you can't appeal it. Macroing bans are supposed to be bans given by the bot detection system that Jagex is using. Whenever the system believes you to be botting, they ban you and that is called a 'Macroing' ban. These bans are supposed to be 100% accurate and no legit players are to be banned by this system, however they do give you the option to appeal it - although your odds of hitting the jackpot in a lottery is higher than them ever reviewing/unbanning you.
  11. Hatscripts offers that, but I think it may be just for avatars and I don't remember the limit.
  12. He doesn't either. Shh, it's a secret. :ph34r:
  13. That's God's job, not mine. I'm just letting people be aware of your preferences. ;)
  14. WHY ARE WE YELLING??? I highly doubt he dreams about you, let alone any girl for that matter.
  15. Making it moderator free is just a bad idea. I can already see all of the annoying stuff that'd go down in there... I liked that shoutbox thing, but it was a bit spammy with pictures. If that could be fixed it may be nice to see come back.
  16. You can't suggest something by asking a question. A suggestion is a statement. A question is a discussion.
  17. This is a question, not a suggestion and you're not leaving fb. This should be in community discussion. Why do people always post threads in the wrong section?
  18. Can you tell me approximately when this happened in relation to your feedback being left? (Did it happen a day or a week or what before he left you neutral fb?) Also, who did @bassline give the gp to? Was it @roomscape jr or myself?
  19. Ban anyone yet?

  20. I'd say it may be a fair fight if everyone ganged up on Goku and Vegeta PRIOR to the Friza saga when they were both shit weak. Currently where the show has them at SS4 and Gogeta SS4, there's no way they'd win. The comparison is just so off it's stupid. That's like comparing vegetables with candy and asking which one is healthier for you or saying a little girl against a group of little girls against two of the strongest male fighters we currently have. It's just not even a valid comparison.
  21. ooh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoomScape


      Welcome to the masterrace!

    3. samosamo15


      well thank you, kind sir!

    4. RoomScape


      I'm sure that's what the Devs said once you clicked 'confirm & pay'.

  22. You're going to compare two people who can easily blow up planets, travel across the universe in matters of seconds and blow up stuff just from screaming to some people in tights that use cool toys?
  23. And here I thought you'd say a ban wave just happened.
  24. Where do you get all these pictures from? xD

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