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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. You guys do know this is from a year ago, right?
  2. You just butchered this meme. And I thought the OP one was bad. :|
  3. Animation is animation whether it be japanese based or american based. But if you're being real specific then I don't really like many 'cartoons'.
  4. I like the design of it more though. Razer has a nice sleek design while Corsair has a basic keyboard with rainbow lights under it which look too bright and mush together.
  5. Razer has nice keyboards compared to corsair. It's just all around better in my opinion.
  6. I'm sorry, I was looking at your avatars if you say something?
  7. Not sure. The link to the previous list is in the OP, so search through the lists.
  8. Aw man, at least try to get on when you're done with your homework?
  9. Nothing really interesting happened. I guess I'll make a new list in another week or so.
  10. Why're you liking everyones' posts? lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoomScape


      Oh. I hated that as a regular member.

      What is it, like 20 or something?

    3. Gorilla Sensei
    4. RoomScape


      Ooh, that's low. xD

      I used to like posts when I had a limit, but I kind of stopped now that I don't have a limit. Kind of weird, lol.

  11. Any cookie you want. I'll custom order a human sized cookie specifically for the winner of this once in a lifetime contest.
  12. Oh, a month?The moment of truth is almost upon us. :ph34r:
  13. Post whether promotion/demotion and say approximate date. Closest guess wins a cookie.
  14. Naruto finally shows fighting and stopped with fillers. Watch it on my friends site! It's pretty awesome tbh. http://www.masterani.me/
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