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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. I'll take that as a confession. Demote pls
  2. I wish. The Gmail is work related so f it. The regular mail is a bunch of advertisement I get from companies as well as some spam emails so f that too.
  3. I'm 21.Can I do it? Please, pretty please??
  4. I wake up to this shit.
  5. Wtf lol. Who are you?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RoomScape


      Sure, why not?

    3. PoopSoup


      Make me giggle plz

    4. RoomScape


      'You haven't had fb in a while so here's fb' or something along those lines.

  6. ? If so, add me - Nadhir (I'm #4)
  7. OP is one of the gayest people I know.
  8. NSFW Some users may find this extremely humiliating, disturbing and flat out wrong. Please view at your own discretion.
  9. No but seriously someone left me fake fb recently, lol. Disputed Member:@soupoop Why it should be removed: Fake. Details: He lies. Link to topic: THERE IS NO TOPIC, HE LIES!
  10. I'd rather not have kids babied. It rarely turns out well and it ends up being a headache later on in life.
  11. I'd want a boy so when I have a girl he can be a protector. Nomsain? If I have a girl first then who's going to protect her? And you know how kids hide things from parents so ye man ye.
  12. Aaaaaaaand you're gone again.

  13. Not sure what I read exactly and I'm too scared to put much effort into thinking about it...
  14. My phone thinks your profile views is a number.

    1. Kittens


      Only one way to find out. Call it and see what happens ;)

    2. RoomScape
  15. I was actually looking forward to him ignoring me so I can rage and say how he ignores the users and donors of this site. But that didn't get to happen.
  16. Have a 2013 join date and be active, basically. Wtf, why not?
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