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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Forum rank has nothing to do with your story. Yeah, I feel you on the loss of accomplishment with botting. Maybe if you’re going for money you don’t care but if you’re botting for stats then there’s no accomplishment at all.
  2. No problem. I try to help out where I can.
  3. Is that seriously how you found this site? lmfaoo How does that even work? Ok so how did you start out to get 1.5k vouches? I'm not talking about osbot, I mean in general.
  4. That’s pretty interesting. Who is the banned guy?
  5. Isn’t that all fake wannabe Chinese stuff?
  6. Dung is more or less raids. Raids just let you take in your own items and the rewards are tradable.
  7. 20 minutes into the game and being introduced into botting, hahaha. xD Average noob with lifetime sponsor, eh? Yeah, making money like that is always nice. It used to be a lot nicer in the past and on other sites before you were responsible for your workers. If they scammed it was on them but now it's less so due to you being responsible.
  8. You listed Druidic ritual twice. Ill do for 24m if you get all the stats and have decent cb.
  9. Nice man! Hopefully! Is your cb decent? I have 80 melees lol but 90 con/herb so I just made bank and pots.
  10. Just the pot boy though since melee is boring af. Went in with 6 total and 4 of us new so did horrible.
  11. Sounds like he wants something to tell how many pray points it'll use up for him to kill a NPC. If that's the case then it'll be hard to tell because of RNG and stuff.
  12. Risky botting leaving it overnight, huh? Ever got your account back to what it was in RS3? Nice to have friends at school that played, lol. Never played with anyone at my school but I never even told people I played this. Then tell us about how you started off-site..
  13. #3 is literally Swell. #1 is similar and #2 is similar to something I've seen already but I'll look at 2/3.
  14. Talking with you two at the moment.
  15. How did you get to where you are now? I'm interested in seeing how you guys all ended up here. I'll be reading and replying to every post, regardless how long/short it is unless it's just spam - this isn't in spam so please don't spam. Mostly centered towards the bigger guys around, but I'm interested in everyone for the most part. How did you start out? What did you do? What do you regret? What would you change and what would you do again? If you're one of the bigger guys on this site, how did you get here? What did you have to fight with competition and etc? If you aren't a big guy, would you want to be one? Just curious about the entirety of your RS and blackmarket story. What's your biggest accomplishment and what's your biggest regret? Edit: This isn't limited to OSBot. How did you first find out about the black market and how did you first get into it in general?
  16. Are you that same guy from p****bot?
  17. This actually looks nice. Sucks that I can’t see more about it.
  18. Rent a max account then bot! Stuff? @OP you’re not even a scripted and @Chris is a scripter therefore you lose. Inb4ban for mentioning a staff member.
  19. What is sheep lovers paradise?

    1. Decode


      As the name suggests, a paradise for sheep lovers. 

    2. RoomScape


      Ok but where is that?

  20. https://osbot.org/forum/profile/223396-russianumad/
  21. There's plastic all over that bottle..Did you read my OP? Oh I see. I don't even know if I heard that before, maybe once if I did? I don't know.
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