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Everything posted by Larsen

  1. What is TRUSTED to you? Staff? 10k+ feedback? 2 feedback? (Not offering, just asking)
  2. Try run as many as you can xD Then you'll see
  3. I withdraw my offer.. Cant bother doing library again xD Good luck!
  4. If you have multiple javas installed, try delete so you only got java 8 But seem to me it might be a connection issue..
  5. Larsen


    delete plz
  6. How much would 92-95 thieving cost? Got ardy2 if u wanna knight and scepter if you want to do pyramid. 66hp. Quote price here please. I wont add you on discord for a quote.
  7. Hey I have the script xD But what is Master Farmer specific mode? What does it do outside the normal pickpocketing? ( Cant test right now, wont be home for a week or 2) Just curious if should get it going on vm
  8. The account has mail on it Account has a 2day ban Pretty low stats apart from mage and smithing. Couple of bucks? Maybe you have done some insane quests that is worth mentioning
  9. 5m each? Maybe 10 if you're lucky and someone really needs a 24hp 80 mage account.
  10. Hey I figured it was due to adblock
  11. Any chance I could have a go at this? (trial) Thank you
  12. Even the scripts I purchased, I cant see the thread of ?? I cant even see this after I posted it lol..
  13. Hello. I cant view any script threads. Cant even see my profile? Whats going on? Am I banned or something? :S
  14. Hi @Token Im pretty sure I didnt buy this script. But Im having it in my scripts. Is it you that has taken over FrostCaves, and maybe thats why I have this? Might be an error, I dunno. Havent been here for a while. nvm.. Just seen the "Previously called FrostCaves" Have a great night!
  15. Now its time to purchase runelite/openosrs botting plugins. No more botting client. RIP $200 on script from this site xD Ill sell my osbot acc for $10.... "Deadzone" works wonders.
  16. Might want to sell alt account as i should focus more on my main^^ Is it worth anything as it sits? Got full gracefull & coal bag Fossil island teleports No email registred to the account. And no bans. (Still got 41 days of membership, which will be used to train more xD)
  17. Man i should really stop smoking weed. Cant read that.
  18. Im using OpenOSRS with botting plugins. I noticed its the exact same as RuneLite(Might even be using runelite client) Will the client name then be runelite? xD
  19. Try double click with the last click staying down to move the camera
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