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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. Looking to buy 200-250m 07 depending on rate. Pm me or add my discord Cameron#1228
  2. Buying 40m 07 for paypal pm me.
  3. What service do you need: Bulk Questing Do you agree with the t.o.s.: Yes Did you add me on skype: Yes
  4. CameronOs


    I need these quest done ASAP. Trusted users only PM me. legends quest sir amik varze(RFD sub) The giant dwarf death to dorgeshunn Another slice of H.A.M Creature of fenekstrain Garden of tranquility watch tower eagles peak swan song ghosts ahoy icthlarin's little helper rat catchers haunted mine enlightened journey throne of miscellania
  5. Title says it all. Willing to go first with members who I deem are trusted. Send me a PM or reply below. Thanks ;)
  6. Hey man I was wondering if I could get a trial. My OSBot ID is 2936.
  7. Interested on the 1st account. Would like to know the prayer, pm me.
  8. It's saying i'm out of nature runes? EDIT: Working on regular client, not mirror mode.
  9. I was wondering this too, or would it be obvious?
  10. All of my scripts in the bot have disappeared and when I try to add the ones I paid for back , It says I need to buy them again? SOLVED
  11. Request Template: - Script name:Blast Furnace (12h) - Your member number:2936 Would appreciate it man, planning on buying it if it works good :P. It's just $20 is a chunk of money.
  12. Release this soon man! Looking forward to buying and trying it out.
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