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Everything posted by Hysteriqul

  1. Do you need to set breaks active before starting scripts? Or should it work if you set it active after your scripts are already running? Loving it btw
  2. Hysteriqul

    Stealth NMZ

    I think herb boxes are broke again
  3. Hysteriqul

    Stealth NMZ

    Did you ever fix the herb boxes?
  4. Gained some weight and have been bored as shit. Had vacations planned this year but Covid fucked that all up.
  5. Hysteriqul

    Stealth NMZ

    Has been working great til now. Keeps running "Interacting with barrel" and "buying herb boxes" over and over and over. [INFO][Bot #1][09/25 03:51:09 AM]: taking 24 doses of overload [INFO][Bot #1][09/25 03:51:09 AM]: going to nmz [INFO][Bot #1][09/25 03:51:21 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][09/25 03:51:21 AM]: taking 24 doses of overload [INFO][Bot #1][09/25 03:51:21 AM]: interacting with barrel [INFO][Bot #1][09/25 03:51:31 AM]: last herb box day: 0; current day: 269 [INFO][Bot #1][09/25 03:51:31 AM]: buying herb boxes [INFO][Bot #1][09/25 03:51:31 AM]: interacting with rewards chest [INFO][Bot #1][09/25 03:51:36 AM]: taking 24 doses of overload [INFO][Bot #1][09/25 03:51:36 AM]: interacting with barrel [INFO][Bot #1][09/25 03:51:44 AM]: last herb box day: 0; current day: 269 [INFO][Bot #1][09/25 03:51:44 AM]: buying herb boxes [INFO][Bot #1][09/25 03:51:44 AM]: interacting with rewards chest After interacting with the Ovl barrel, it refuses to withdraw. Just runs back to chest. I tried starting with the Ovls in inventory, it just stores them and does this again.
  6. Any way you can add an example of how it replies to someone? Been considering adding altchat as we've talked about it before.
  7. Hysteriqul

    Stealth NMZ

    Do you plan on adding support for divine pots?
  8. Hysteriqul

    Stealth NMZ

    Does the food option not work? It pulls out my potions but the script stops afterwards. It's not withdrawing food. Edit: Nvm figured it out!
  9. Hysteriqul

    Stealth NMZ

    I'm dumb. Asked for a trial and I had no quests done lmao. Can you please remove access and I will request again tomorrow when I have all the reqs? Sorry..
  10. Have had this script for about half a day now. Not impressed so far. Getting MAYBE 25k an hour with 60/60/60 starting stats. I get caught up in a "walking to reset area" loop A LOT. OP, can you recommend some settings?
  11. Any ETA on release? Very interested
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