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About Tranquilo

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  • Location:
    Lumbridge 308 north fountainer

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  1. Does anyone know if this script works?
  2. Alright i just watched some guide and they have suggested to wait til 60 to do red salamander so you can put 4 traps instead of 3. But maybe it should be a option so they user can choose by him self
  3. Ay Khal The script at red salamander choose to only use 3 traps instead of 4 even if i have the levels for 4 why is that :D? And really nice script got me my hunting levels fast
  4. Just bought it, i had a remeberance trying it out, but thanks alot
  5. Possible to try this one ? Not sure if i have already tried it, but would look forward for a trial, liked the thread
  6. Thanks alot, very nice script working fine will bee added to my to buy list at the first in the month
  7. Possible to get a trial now liked the thread
  8. Possible to get a trial :D?
  9. Very very nice script Apa Woundering if you ever gonna add the amulet of chemistry to it, so it can put it on every time it get to dust would help alot maintain a okay lose when you train herblore But else a really really nice and good script been useing it over years now
  10. Hey bro i have had this script for some years now, and been working really fine. But its maybe working too slow? with the clicks and example when it make the dinning tables it click many places on the table and different places on the area instead of one place when it removes the table and build the table. Maybe there should be an checkbox for faster mouse or faster responds time when reciving planks from demon butler. But overall really great script, working and have gotten many of my account maxed house really nice script sir!
  11. Got me a firecape on first try with quick start on the GUI. I watched the script the hole time was working flawless.
  12. You already gave it to me on discord bro, but thanks was a really nice script botted for straight 23 hours without a single problem. gonna buy it in the future
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