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Everything posted by marceluxd

  1. marceluxd

    Stealth Quester

    may i get a trial ?? looks sick but its too expensive and i'm afraid that it might not work like i expect
  2. Thanks for the reply. Where should i declare the variable loot?
  3. This script is supposed to kill the closest Chaos druid that is not fighting and collect the drops. The problem is that it just clicks on the drop and very shortly after it tries to attack another druid, i mean, it cancels the collecting action and start to attack. Please help! Obs: Is it possible to use the glory amulet teleport to edgeville? @ScriptManifest(author = "Marcelo", info = "Kill druids and collect herbs", name = "DruidMassacre", version = 0, logo = "") public class DruidKiller extends Script { @Override public void onStart() { log("Let's get started!"); } private enum State{ ATTACK, COLLECT, TELEPORT, EAT, NOTHING; } private State getState() { GroundItem weed = getGroundItems().closest("Loop half of key", "Tooth half of key", "Rune spear","Dragon spear", "Shield left half", "Ensouled chaos druid head", "Grimy ranarr weed", "Grimy lantadyme", "Grimy dwarf weed", "Grimy cadantine", "Grimy avantoe", "Grimy kwuarm"); NPC druid = getNpcs().closest(npc -> npc.getName().startsWith("Chaos druid") && npc.isAttackable()); if(myPlayer().getHealthPercent() <= 70) { if (getInventory().contains("Swordfish")){ return State.EAT; } else { return State.TELEPORT; } } if(weed != null) { return State.COLLECT; } if(!getCombat().isFighting() && myPlayer().isAttackable() && !myPlayer().isAnimating() && !myPlayer().isMoving() && druid != null) { return State.ATTACK; } return State.NOTHING; } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { GroundItem weed = getGroundItems().closest("Nature rune", "Loop half of key", "Tooth half of key", "Rune spear","Dragon spear", "Shield left half", "Ensouled chaos druid head", "Grimy ranarr weed", "Grimy lantadyme", "Grimy dwarf weed", "Grimy cadantine", "Grimy avantoe", "Grimy kwuarm"); NPC druid = getNpcs().closest(npc -> npc.getName().startsWith("Chaos druid") && npc.isAttackable()); switch(getState()) { case EAT: log("Eat"); getInventory().interact("Eat", "Swordfish"); case TELEPORT: log("Teleport!"); case COLLECT: log("Collecting weed"); if(!myPlayer().isMoving() && !myPlayer().isAnimating()) { weed.interact("Take"); } case ATTACK: log("Attacking"); druid.interact("Attack"); sleep(random(1497, 4923)); case NOTHING: log("Nothing"); } return random(300, 700); } @Override public void onExit() { log("terminou porra"); } @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { } }
  4. This is my first post, im sorry if i did something wrong. I am trying to write a script that makes Uncooked pizza (pizza base, cheese and tomato), and i dont know why it doesn't work. I really need some tips to make better code and make it works My script: import java.awt.Graphics2D; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.RS2Widget; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; @ScriptManifest(author = "Marcelo", info = "makes cheese and tomatoes pizzas", name = "PizzaHut", version = 0, logo = "") public class PizzaMaker extends Script { @Override public void onStart() { log("Let's make pizza!"); } private enum State { WITHDRAW, DEPOSIT, TOMATO, CHEESE, WIDGET, NOTHING; } private State getState() { RS2Widget cooking_interface = widgets.get(270, 14); if(cooking_interface != null && cooking_interface.isVisible()) { return State.WIDGET; } if(getInventory().contains("Tomato") && getInventory().contains("Pizza base") && !bank.isOpen()) { return State.TOMATO; } if(getInventory().contains("Incomplete pizza") && getInventory().contains("Cheese") && !bank.isOpen()) { return State.CHEESE; } if(getInventory().onlyContains("Uncooked pizza")) { return State.DEPOSIT; } if(!getInventory().contains("Pizza base", "Cheese", "Tomato")) { return State.WITHDRAW; } return State.NOTHING; } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { RS2Widget cooking_interface = widgets.get(270, 14); switch(getState()) { case WIDGET: cooking_interface.interact("Make"); case TOMATO: if(!myPlayer().isAnimating()) { getInventory().interact(random(4, 7)); sleep(random(200,400)); getInventory().interact(random(9, 11)); sleep(random(200, 400)); } case CHEESE: if(!myPlayer().isAnimating()) { getInventory().interact(8); sleep(random(200,400)); getInventory().interact(random(18, 20)); sleep(random(200, 400)); } case DEPOSIT: if(!bank.isOpen()) { bank.open(); } bank.depositAll(); case WITHDRAW: if(!bank.isOpen()) { bank.open(); } else if(!getInventory().contains("Pizza base")) { bank.withdraw("Pizza base", 9); } else if(!getInventory().contains("Tomato")) { bank.withdraw("Tomato", 9); } else if(!getInventory().contains("Cheese")) { bank.withdraw("Cheese", 9); } else { bank.close(); } case NOTHING: log("I DONT KNOW!"); sleep(100); } return random(300, 700); } @Override public void onExit() { log("Done."); } @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { }
  5. i meant osrs update, but now its working fine thanks
  6. Please omg make the script great again!!!!! it is attackin so fuckng slower and not showing the xp rates
  7. need monkey madness on 57 cbt 62 ranged 40 def
  8. how do i get a trial of this script ? can i get one ?
  9. Trial Khal Motherlode please !
  10. Hey Czar i'm using a trial and it's getting stuck at bank ;c ( I'm making lava runes in al-kharid fire altar using ring of dueling)
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