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Everything posted by Trustmybet

  1. Zerks: 60/80/45 . Dscim + dds. or some zerks have 70 att for whipping
  2. I fucken love you! I fucken miss you! omfg <3

    1. Smart


      Miss you too man <33

    2. RoomScape


      Aw shit, two more went gay on me...

  3. Who should be my 500th feedback? you'll be greatly honored! Lel....
  4. Gratz. Don't be like James. Noob who doxed me just cuz i got him banned at other sites. Sad . And also flamed other members. Love u
  5. Wow! ): He was a beast actor! Mrs. Doubtfire was a 1 of a kind . And my english teacher who's gunna be my AP english teacher showed me Dead Poets Society. It was pretty lame but at the end it was good and had a meaning to it. Gunna miss that guy
  6. Make it like this : Best member. Best staff. Best marketer. Most trusted/legit. Best Service. Best Scripter. Anyways Best member. - Me , @Trustmybet Best staff. - @Dex Best marketer. - @Probemas Most trusted/legit. - @Maldesto Lol
  7. Might wanna watch out bc now i might be selling bonds super cheap just for fb to get top 5 O:
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