Hello I am the MM for this trade. I can confirm that furky is legit and this is the only problem that we've had so far. In the past, he completed all of Toothfairy's orders legitimately.
This dispute can go two ways and I take no sides on this, I'm just making my statement.. I yet have not seen proof of the account being completed, BUT it seems to me as Toothfairy allowed botting to be done.
He has to understand that botting the accounts isn't a 100% Guarantee that the accounts will not be banned. He told me that the accounts were banned before he got on them meaning, furky got it banned on completion or before completion. I cannot know exactly.
They did not have any agreements if the accounts got banned or not. If furky completed the accounts, he should be paid 5m but refund Toothfairy for new accounts and maybe they can work out something from there. That's what I feel as an honest way of solving this dispute.