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Everything posted by ignoringbob

  1. title says it all, reputable sellers only and ill go first
  2. still taking offers on this via skype, willing to negotiate quite a bit if both are bought together
  3. That's around what I was expecting...a little less since they're not quite zulrah ready but since it looks as though it'll be pretty hard for me to sell them apparently I'll probably offer them both for around the price of one, give or take. Probably be more useful to use them for something other than zulrah at this point.
  4. Is there any way for me to get approval from anyone to sell these accounts despite not having 100 posts?
  5. I definitely did forget about this rule. Is there a different marketplace you'd recommend if I can ask that?
  6. I'm not saying the value shouldn't be decreased because of my lack of reputation, I'm just saying not to over do it
  7. I made both of these accounts along with a few others to eventually be zulrah bots, but I decided to scale down and sell two of them instead of finishing. I've been a member of the community for a long time now although I haven't made very many trades. With that being said, I don't expect the value of the accounts to SIGNIFICANTLY drop because of a lack of reputation. I am the original owner of the accounts, and can provide the original emails and passwords. During the trade I will go first to a reputable buyer and send links to change the registered emails and stay in contact until you confirm you've changed the emails and passwords. Neither of the accounts have any bans and you can contact me via skype: IgnoringBob
  8. what do you value 80 range/85 mage and 60-70 prayer zulrah accounts at? I'm about to be done with a few that have full void and are fully quested
  9. hey id love a trial for this, looks dope
  10. Hi I actually ended up just buying the script, I was wondering if there is any way to make it put an auto cast back on after dying I'm using a smoke battlestaff and every time it dies it just bashes people with the staff
  11. Can i try this out? I wasn't sure which page to actually post on for the free trial but id like to try the aio Fighter please
  12. Hi I was wondering if i could try a free trial? I plan to buy it for a month afterwards but I'd like to try it out first
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