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Everything posted by Kobyy

  1. The moment he allows you to access it, you should message him on chatbox if hes on so you're available to use the trial, you won'[t get a second one.
  2. It's a lion we've been over this.. or at least his daughter thinks so xd.
  3. 80/80 is fine and you can use any gear not just void im using ahrims and god d'hide right now.
  4. You need vip if you want to run more than 2 instances of osbot. You only need 1 copy of the script though.
  5. You have any idea what the issue is @Eagle Scripts
  6. I believe I have restarted it without closing the client. I shall now close the client and see if that fixes the issue. Still having the same issue even after restarting the client. Same error as last time.
  7. I'm also having the same issue. Also frequently getting stuck after raking or managing a patch. Just spamming this in the logger: [ERROR][Bot #1][12/08 09:02:13 AM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 at java.util.ArrayList.elementData(Unknown Source) at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Chatbox.getMessages(ah:171) at b.c.a.nuL.d(b:76) at b.c.a.nuL.d(b:26) at b.c.nuL.d(f:16) at b.nuL.d(wb:71) at core.MainDriver.onLoop(xb:131) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(cg:72) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  8. If you want to get banned go for it. Otherwise keep 10 hours a day max. (Tip you lose exp when you get banned and therefore lose even more progress)
  9. Just because its not easy, doesn't mean you can't do it. Also Script works fine. I've ran it for 10+ hours without issues.
  10. Your stuff is awesome keep it up.
  11. Nope I never use mirror mode. But I do use proxies. @dewildevis1
  12. Only 2 right now but ill have 5 of them up by the end of the week.
  13. Yes I make 1.2m p/h gross profit on an account with 80 mage 80 range without any uniques
  14. This is a really good change thank you.
  15. https://gyazo.com/bc5e1d2b3b76363a2ce7a4dec6d8c918 xd
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