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Everything posted by flewis

  1. I had the same issue, was down to a bad proxy. Try loading without one if you're not already. Also recommend trying to ping the proxy also.
  2. I'm using Windows 10 Pro, the operating system shouldn't be an issue. I think it's the fact that it's running on a Dell Poweredge server. Yeah I have an auto cleaner for that
  3. I've tried about 15 proxy providers, everything from rotating proxies & static residential proxies to cheap datacentre ones. All seem to have the same thing in common, they all get locked or banned shortly after tutorial island, even if done by hand. I think Jagex could be grabbing my servers system information and that's why the bans are coming in so hard. I can bot for days on my home PC before bans.
  4. You could probably run 2 if you used a really efficient Linux operating system. I used Ubuntu LXDE and a single client could run under 500MB of RAM on most scripts if not better. If you can get it this low, you could try getting a few PI Zero's and running one client off each as they are only $5-6 a piece. Raspberry PI Zero link: https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/raspberry-pi-zero?variant=3147270586378&currency=GBP&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google+shopping?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjwoc_8BRAcEiwAzJevtcO4sjIsIjQ26zvrjvqzrxu775tr63m7qkxJw_axsS_mDiEtbpkT3RoCCEgQAvD_BwE
  5. Hey, Just wondering if Jagex can detect the system that the game is being run on. I have suspicions because when I run my bots on my home server they seem to get banned and locked incredibly quickly (10-20mins). This includes when I create custom scripts too or I use reputable scripts from for example Khal or Czar that otherwise normally have a decent ban rates. Also if this is a problem what's the best way to spoof my system settings and MAC address, I know there are many options to choose from. I also auto clean Jagex random files, use residential proxies for each account (tested them too) so that's why I've come to this conclusion. Thank you.
  6. Ah I haven't botted MMF for a while, lots of other P2P methods though But I think that membership is the way to go for small farms, not F2P.
  7. You should keep botted accounts separate from accounts you play on, I never recommend botting on a main also. The accounts will get banned so no point wasting time doing other things with it. Quite a big difference according to some, if you're running only a few bots (less than 5) use mirror mode. It will eat through your computers resources though that's why I use injection. Mirror mode is also only for VIP members of OSBOT.
  8. The trade limit can be bypassed by buying membership (or redeeming twitch prime membership). You can buy membership really cheap off certain websites/discords too, like $2 for 14 days or so. You can also buy bonds from people for like $3-4 on this site. Membership is well worth the investment, for example you buy membership for 14 days costs $2, then you run a script (preferably a paid one of SDN or a private one). In P2P, low level methods such as Mort Myre Fungus can easily net 400k-600k GP and hour. If the selling rate for gold is about $0.5 (this is an estimate based on a few places, you could probably find someone who'll give you a bit more) then you'd make your money back in only 4-5 hours of botting. If you're careful and don't suicide bot the account you could easily keep in running for a week or two (up to the 14 days you paid for). By that time you'd have been able to make a hell of a lot more than your invested. In short higher risk but higher reward, I recommend trying it with only 1-2 accounts to start with. Also something else I should mention is you can wait for twitch prime to come around. It's free membership if you have an amazon prime account linked to your twitch, 7 and 14 day membership codes from twitch prime are sold for around 400k-500k GP if you don't have an account. Good luck, I hope this helped!
  9. Ok, just making sure because I wanted to buy some and didn't want to upset anyone
  10. True, but people think they're safe so they are worth more. You are 100% correct though, it can be done if a seller keeps the proxy it can be recovered based on the creation IP.
  11. Hey, Just wondering what 60-60-60 (att-str-def) combat stats in f2p are worth, I've seen them go for about 5m-8m OSRS GP. Thank you
  12. Really accounts should be created on the same IP as you run them on, to avoid account locking. For suicide bots datacenter proxies are fine but for P2P bots you should invest in a few residential proxies. If however you are only running your main account then do it on your home IP. Also selling accounts with a registered email is a lot harder also so if just farming gold then unlocking is fine, however if you plan on selling the account people will pay far far less because it can be recovered.
  13. Not if you're creating tutorial island accounts but yes if you are using them to bot generally, this is because Jagex can see IP changes and it's obvious that you are using a rotating proxy if it changes every x amount of minutes/hours.
  14. It really depends on how close the proxies are together, your account will be locked if you you use a proxy in the UK and then instantly change to a proxy in India for example. Also using residential proxies will decrease detection but no real player switches IP a lot. Rotating proxies should only be used for making mass tutorial island accounts from personal experience as they just get locked or disabled straight off tutorial island. You can set up residential proxies using a Raspberry PI(s) however so they can be quite cheap if you know what you're doing
  15. You want to donate me some of that luck? Have fun with the cash!
  16. It's hard to sell without rep and on a new account, especially when more established sellers exist already with 10000+ transactions across sites. Selling at a lower price would be a good call but getting rep is the most important thing to do rn, so buy some cheap goods to get your trader feedback up! GL with sales once you reach 100 posts
  17. Bad IP 100%, is it a datacentre proxy or residential. Jagex can also look at the ISP that the proxy is using so I'd also check that. Last where did you get this proxy from?
  18. Thank you! Anything web related has always been my kryptonite. The captcha pops up after 2 accounts have been created within a few hours or so. I have no idea what finger printing is but I'll do some searching tomorrow when I'm less tired (it's 2AM over here).
  19. Not only do you write amazing scripts but you also read minds too? Yes they are in high demand and I've got some big servers with space to run about 30-50 bots each so I'll be able to do ample testing
  20. By having the entire program run in one client will it reduce RAM + CPU usage or is it all aesthetical for now? Very clean client design either way though!
  21. Well if it's even half as good as some of your other scripts then it'll be well worth the wait! If it works on HCIM too it'll be a dream script
  22. Hey, how much starting capital would you need to run the script from a new level 3 account? Can the script literally be used without nothing out of the box or is some starting GP required? Also can I get a trial please?
  23. Hey all, Just need some help figuring something out since Jagex changed the captcha from reCAPTCHA (by Google) to GeeTest (imperva/incapsula). I am currently following this code provided by anticaptcha to solve the captchas, however unlike reCAPTCHA where the domain key was easy to find I have no idea where to find the GeeTest key. Also I need to produce a variable key, that according to the documentation should be unique for each request but doesn't show me how to get it even after searching on Google for a day. The code below is how the official docs set it out. def captchaData(): solver = geetestProxyon() solver.set_verbose(1) solver.set_key(ANTICAPTCHA_API_KEY) solver.set_website_url(RUNESCAPE_REGISTER_URL) solver.set_gt_key("CONSTANT_GT_KEY") # I can't find this key when looking through the website code solver.set_challenge_key("VARIABLE_CHALLENGE_KEY") # I literally have no idea what this is and/or how to obtain it solver.set_proxy_address(proxyIP) solver.set_proxy_port(int(proxyPort)) #solver.set_proxy_login("proxylogin") #solver.set_proxy_password("proxypassword") solver.set_user_agent("Mozilla/5.0") token = solver.solve_and_return_solution() return token The code below shows the payload I'll be sending in the post request. captcha = captchaData() # Create payload to post payload = { 'theme': 'oldschool', 'email1': email, 'onlyOneEmail': '1', 'password1': password, 'onlyOnePassword': '1', 'day': day, 'month': month, 'year': year, 'create-submit': 'create', 'g-recaptcha-response': captcha # This is the old captcha system, I'm not sure what 'g-recaptcha-response' should be now } The issue I'm having is I also don't know what to replace 'g-recaptcha-response' with as imperva does a good job at hiding it (unless I'm just being an idiot ofc). The solution is probably really simple and I'm just overlooking something out of frustration. I'll also show my dependencies (imports) too. # Dependencies from urllib.request import urlopen from anticaptchaofficial.geetestproxyon import * import socket import time import random import string import requests Thank you for any replies! -Flewis
  24. Was created on the same IP using Maxthon, and the proxy's are all residential not data centre. Is this the case for residential?
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