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Everything posted by CrushedRs

  1. might aswell start over
  2. cyka blyat x god in my heart
  3. gl on the goal planning on making a 50 att runepure myself
  4. my mum says im trusted so i can do this for 8m
  5. thank you for pointing out my point kind sir
  6. you can use slayer helm as a zerker if you get a boss task which helps very much when bossing
  7. what is the minimum def level you need for b gloves i was thinking of making a rune pure but i dont understand why 42 and not 40 def unless the minimum level you need is 42 can u get b gloves with 40 def? if so what is the reason for 42 def and if it is void, is it still worth getting 42 def since void was nerfed?
  8. @Realist i just want the $10 edit: and im also here for the postcount
  9. you need 50 firemaking to do wintertodt so u cant do wintertodt at levels 1-49
  10. hand them out to cops if ur giving em out for free
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