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Everything posted by scriptersteve

  1. Hi, so in one of my previous scripts people mentioned I should try and use filters more: The commented out code is what i was trying to do but was refusing to 'loot' the arrows. The non-commented code works fine and i wondered if anyone new why the commented code didn't work? // Filter<Item> arrows = item -> item.getName().contains("arrows"); //GroundItem arrows1 = getGroundItems().closest(arrows.toString()); GroundItem arrows1 = getGroundItems().closest("Bronze arrow","Iron arrow","Steel arrow","Mithril arrow","Adamant arrow"); Below is current version of my *arrows1* GroundItem arrows1 = getGroundItems().closest(gi -> gi != null && getMap().canReach(gi) && gi.getName().contains("arrow")); This one does work but is not using a filter (although it is kinda filtering by the contains name) but i wondered what would cause the toString() to not work as i wanted. is arrows toString basically just writing down arrows. I though it should be writing down the whole Bronze arrow for example
  2. you can't sell accounts till 100 postcount, but probably 75-100m if u could find a buyer
  3. lol i just unhardcored my hardcore with 99 fm literally 3 days ago
  4. it's less detectable than botting i've personally done over 200m melee exp in nmz over last 2 years using it ~~ no bans
  5. "/src/emma.jpg" is what i was using
  6. Yeah i know, my problem was i'm not quite sure where the picture needs to be saved i.e your resources/background - i was putting in my location and it isn't working That was my problem - probs should have specified before
  7. Hi, so i know how to add the picture t the script logo. But how does one make the picture appear on screen over chatbox, Can't seem to work that out :? Thanks
  8. lost £10 on etherium already XD, lets hope it makes gpsss whilst i sleep
  9. Still good to buy bitcoin atm? feeling peeps?
  10. RIP, my friend got caught up in the crypto bubble and also lost alot
  11. 1 def, 15 pray firecape sells for around 100m i've heard may be cheaper but was about then when i looked at someone doing it for me. ~~ and the fact that he won't need to find a seller of the cape could make it worth 125m (the cape alone). But damn nice accounts, i'd have said 300m for pure was defo a high evaluation but 200m defo seems getable if you can find someone wanting it's firecape
  12. does the first one have firecape then?
  13. Now fixed a place where the bot would get stuff and added world hopping if too crowded (2 players > level 30 attacking your warriors -> world hops)
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