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Everything posted by scriptersteve

  1. Thanks will keep those in mind and add extra bits to do that- will keep updating link as i go: quick question do you know the code for turning run on when run % greater than set amount and when you say logout, do you just mean script.stop()? Also when you say state structure, you mean like a banking state, killing state or what exactly?
  2. Having antiban as something like this: is this worth including or not, i.e will it make the account more or less detectable in people's opinions? public class AntiBan { private MethodProvider mp; private Random random; public AntiBan(MethodProvider mp) { this.mp = mp; this.random = new Random(); } public void randomInputEvent() { try { int rN = this.random.nextInt(4); switch (rN) { case 0: this.mp.getCamera().movePitch(this.random.nextInt(360)); this.mp.getCamera().moveYaw(22 + this.random .nextInt(22 + this.random.nextInt(45))); break; case 1: this.mp.getCamera().movePitch(this.random.nextInt(360)); break; case 2: this.mp.getMouse().move(this.random.nextInt(760), this.random.nextInt(500)); break; case 3: moveMouseRandomly(1 + this.random.nextInt(6)); case 4: this.mp.getMouse().moveOutsideScreen(); } } catch (Exception e) { } } public void randomInterfaceEvent(Skill currentSkill) { try { int rN = this.random.nextInt(6); switch (rN) { case 0: this.mp.getSkills().hoverSkill(currentSkill); break; case 1: this.mp.getTabs().open(Tab.ATTACK); break; case 2: this.mp.getTabs().open(Tab.FRIENDS); break; case 3: this.mp.getTabs().open(Tab.SKILLS); case 4: this.mp.getTabs().open(Tab.SETTINGS); case 5: this.mp.getTabs().open(Tab.QUEST); case 6: this.mp.getTabs().open(Tab.EQUIPMENT); } } catch (Exception e) { } } public void moveMouseRandomly(int numberOfPositions) { Point[] pointArray = new Point[numberOfPositions]; for (int i = 0; i < pointArray.length; i++) { pointArray[i] = new Point(-10 + this.random.nextInt(850), -10 + this.random.nextInt(550)); } for (int i = 0; i < pointArray.length; i++) { this.mp.getMouse().move(pointArray[i].x, pointArray[i].y); try{ sleep( 600); }catch (Exception e){ } } } }
  3. Making an Al-Kharid warriors script at the moment -> currently supports banking, potting, killing al kharid warriors. Aimed at f2p only (detects normal str pots) Just select your food type from the gui and hit play. Has basic paint Currently supports magic (must be autocast spell selected), ranged and melee. If using melee it pots, if using ranged it loots arrows (stacks > 5 in size) If training attack it will upgrade your scimitar if it is present in inventory i.e if your attack is 4 then levels to 5 if u have steel scim in inv it will equip it for better exp rates If training range will upgrade your bow if it is present in inventory hops worlds if too many players (2 > lvl 30 in your area -> hop) Script automatically stops if:- you run out of arrows, you run out of runes, you have no food in bank, you die (untested as never died) Bans: not been banned so far in all testing of script which is a fair amount. First Version download here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rip93cyyb356g5k/Goblins.jar?dl=0 Ignore fact it's called goblins, was going to make a goblin banking script at the goblins near edge but changed my mind XD. 2nd version here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vtr4cs0jirviam4/Goblins.jar?dl=0 3rd version here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qc7y16mjn2zakks/Goblins.jar?dl=0 4th version here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bwcl5fs3tll9702/Goblins.jar?dl=0 5th and probably final version here unless anything breaks: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bwcl5fs3tll9702/Goblins.jar?dl=0
  4. Ok thanks will start making them, i know i'm not 100 post count yet, but soon will be i hope, maybe even scripter I but we'll see hah. No-Registered email ones should be relatively easy to sell?
  5. 68 magic, 30hp (1 everything else, except some melee for hp) 68 magic, base 40s melee 68 magic base 20s melee + 30hp Also is agility required for air orbers?
  6. ok thanks and yes it was defined before my on start
  7. Item strPot = getInventory().getItem("Strength potion(4)","Strength potion(3)","Strength potion(2)","Strength potion(1)"); The following line of code, causes my script to not even start even when i am not implementing it anywhere in the script just defining it at the beginning. TRying to use it in the following scenario:- if((getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.STRENGTH) - getSkills().getStatic(Skill.STRENGTH)) < pottingValue) { if(inventory.contains("Strength potion(4)","Strength potion(3)","Strength potion(2)","Strength potion(1)")){ strPot.interact("Drink"); } pottingValue = random(2,6); }
  8. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=level+up+window+osrs&rlz=1C1MSNA_enGB669GB669&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiHl6GRmdfYAhVsLsAKHRCUAOMQ_AUICygC&biw=1275&bih=820#imgrc=w9lYepp2ssWyEM: what i mean is when this window pops up, whatever i am doing gets paused until i continue throught the dialogue screen, need to basically just continue through when that appears
  9. Hi, i am having problems with the level up window, was looking a complete dialogue, not sure if that is correct though as it seemed to not work
  10. sweet :), i got about 8k tokens testing it haha, was thinking of making a cyclops killer too but since i got d def on all accs + alts not sure if can be bothered lol
  11. ok, well do let me know - it happened once to me on a very laggy world? so maybe it isn't sleeping long enough and items aren't appearing in time?
  12. Then a good bet honestly would be to make a dragon killer account as an alt and maybe buy the AI dragonkiller -> to start with bot your acc to base 50s - then use the free baby dragon killer? then move on from there? OR you could go via a skiller method -> cleaning herbs is very good gp/hr for low reqs
  13. Do you want cash straight away? f2p? mems? f2p best route is probably a gold ammy maker but ban-rate super high there: members there loads of premium scripts which are very good. ask for trails and then buy one which suits your fancy
  14. Notorious - if you're able to get exactly when it fails to pick armour, i may be able to fix it? I wasn't intending to add potting/banking but would that be useful :?
  15. thanks guys - appreciate it: so getDynamic() gets boosted level and getstatic gets actual?
  16. One thing i would say is if you get deep wildy pk alot and you use it as your main keyboard get one with a nice keyboard - i personally do like the msi one alot
  17. Care to elaborate more? Because i just ran it fine on my account like did you actually put the .jar in your scripts folder?
  18. I personally have an MSI apache pro - is very good for gaming not just for runescape but also for bf4 and the such. pretty expensive though so can probably get the same specs cheaper. but the MSI apache pro is about £1000 so well within your budget
  19. Hi, I was looking at adding potting to a script. Not sure if i am missing something but I couldn't work out how best to go about it: Firstly I thought: is it possible to grab the boosted say strength level and repot below a certain threshold: couldn't work out how to do this? Could just be missing a method on API Secondly, I thought about adding a slightly random timer and potting in the timer after a 'random' amount of time. so after 700 seconds repot next time after 550 seconds repot
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