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Everything posted by scriptersteve

  1. yeah goodluck everyone, fingers crossed :). If you played the account legit for a few years before botting seems to be alot higher success rate as they assume account was hijacked and botted on
  2. Very nice, been writing my own nmz script so will look at yours and compare with mine and feed back. Looks a lot nicer than mine tbh with dream buying. Mine just does the in nmz part of it
  3. happy days, i'm trying to get my old one back. Was rank about 20 crafting when it got banned. Started botting crafting to try and get to rank 1 and got banned lel. If i get it back will be gushing it had about 150m on it. was banned in early 2014 lol. How old were your bans if they got removed?
  4. just tried this so we can hope my old maxed dher pure gets unbanned. Did they email to you to confirm that a recovery thing had been started?
  5. Thanks guys :), what do you use to programme in? Personally i've been using atom (to try and understand more) but also have intelij and eclipse installed
  6. Do you have nmz quests done? if so could do both accs for about 15-20m
  7. I have almost finished my university exams, so am looking to get into writing bot scripts over the summer. Was just wondering how the interfacing and language varied between bot sites and like whether coding for osbot/p****bot are the same or completely different? Also, what makes osbot better for scripting purposes than other bots? Thanks
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