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Everything posted by scriptersteve

  1. Oh fair, been 5 weeks since I read it...
  2. Very nice matey, https://github.com/Explv/Tutorial-Island may help you if u get stuck on tut island. I am sure you will be fine though
  3. Proberly wrong section but I was just wondering how long till i'd hear back about getting github access so i can start submitting SDN scripts. I had submitted a request 5 weeks ago but havent heard anything back and was wondering roughly how long it would take? I had 3 scripts which i'd written and fully tested on 2.4.162 but now uni exam season is starting so won't have time to fully test them as much on later builds. When should I be expecting to hear?
  4. buy the premium script which supports him?
  5. it has lifetime osbuddy pro? and how much? edit: you can only get it for 12 months at a time?
  6. https://gyazo.com/e7d4876ad6ec3303c1ac564dd8d0f0d9
  7. https://gyazo.com/9c9a848f948984858b66162e8cfe4c88 everytime it banks
  8. https://gyazo.com/fd0c89e4634025546a1b9a3fc347f74f withdraws and extra duel ring when it doesn't need to then gets stuck in loop when banking
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXPTJm44A80 , just msg him and he'll raid alt for you lol.
  10. Thank's livere, I saw your boolean identifier way when reading through your glassblowing script but couldn't quite get my head around it. the this::eatFoodToMAkeSpace, is this basically saying if we can loot it loot if, if we can't this is the method we are running to 'fix' the problem? Regarding the unchecked, value for if we don't have any food left in inventory, I was thinking of running a forloop over every inventory position returning the value of this position and getting the lowest valued position and dropping it to make space for 'new' loot. but this might be inefficient if i run it each time but think it's the best method
  11. But I have like 25 grounditems in my list, how do I know which one it will be looting? I am just testing if any of the items in the list are present and then wondering looting ( how can i detect which one of the list i am looting). alchables = new String[]{"Adamant hasta","Adamant spear","Rune longsword","Dragon longsword","Dragon dagger","Mithril full helm","Adamant platelegs","Blue d'hide vamb","Blue d'hide body","Rune full helm","Rune platebody","Dragon med helm"}; stackables = new String[] {"Law rune","Death rune","Chaos rune","Rune arrow","Adamant dart","Rune javelin","Rune knife","Rune thrownaxe","Coins","Dragon dart tip","Dragon arrowtips","Dragon javelin heads"}; profitables = new String[] {"Ensouled dragon head","Dragon bones","Blue dragonhide","Draconic visage","Ancient shard","Dark totem base","Dark totem middle","Dark totem top","Clue scroll (hard)", "Clue scroll (elite)"};
  12. you could click by position rather than item and just spam the positions - never done it myself but probably work
  13. Non-stackables I loot like this: private void loot(GroundItem a) { if (a != null) { //need to add distance checking so doesnt run around liek bot for a steel longsword if (getInventory().isFull()) { eat(); } int lastCount = getInventory().getEmptySlotCount(); if (a.interact("Take")) { new ConditionalSleep(3000, 600) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return getInventory().getEmptySlotCount() < lastCount; } }.sleep(); } } } when I only have one stackable I loot like this: private void lootTokkul() { if (getTokkul() != null) { long lastTokkul = getInventory().getAmount("Tokkul"); if (getTokkul().interact("Take")) { new ConditionalSleep(3000, 600) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return getInventory().getAmount("Tokkul") > lastTokkul; } }.sleep(); } } } However when I have a huge ground item array of stackables. What's the best way to loot them
  14. using melee prayer or tanking in torags?
  15. Known problem(and fixed) at my end, not making any new local releases. Just waiting until I get SDN/Github access. I applied for it 5 weeks ago, haven't heard back yet... This release only works with mithril.
  16. Price check on account with these stats: https://gyazo.com/0ddb1e0876e593c0fbb445f509dc3632 items: d def rock cake, avas, sara god cape No bans. However, I am not original owner and whilst I have email, no longer keep in touch with OO. Wouldn't want any responsibility if it was recovered, did get it as a 1 def pure though and owner hasn't played in many months to my knowledge. Doesn't have regicide questline done, was wondering how much this would go for as a potential zulrah bot (potential suicider)
  17. Please may I have a trial for this, but please don't activate it until Saturday Morning (around 10am ish GMT, have an hour or so then) and hour or so in evening. Many thanks Also what's recommended method on an acc with 85+ mage 75 + melees and 78 range?
  18. Need Fossil Island quests done on an account which has none of the requirements done. Put prices below, debating doing myself or not
  19. Really? I was unaware, how does this work with buying tuts? In terms of price, I'd have thougha reasonable estimate was 40-60m
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