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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Superman

  1. Superman


    Sweet! I had this idea a long ass time ago and I'm happy to see its being made!
  2. 1-89 wc in 1 week. Bot 24/7 for 8 days at seers: bitch plz get on my level
  3. Ive been botting yews 200 hours straight lol
  4. You gonna bot on your mule??
  5. I'm losing the motivation to learn java... Just like you trying to get more push ups. Yeah maybe i am super active
  6. What happend to people posting things... Meh stupid school
  7. Said the most condescending prick on the forums? Thats just because you don't like me. I am not mean to everyone. The irony. P.S. I do make myself giggle. Yes maybe 2 weeks ago but I have changed. And the reason I don't like you is because you're the most condescending prick on the forums. Not to mention that in response to Catastrophe you admitted to being a dick to everyone on the forums up until 2 weeks ago, so when you say 'I'm not mean to everyone' I find it hard to believe. Its true. I don't like you, and you don't like me. And what does @Catastrophe have to do with this? Sure, I can be a dick to people sometimes, but I have a reason for it, and I don't just go and flame on people that did nothing. /Tommi goes into the chat and PM's people really mean things. I don't do that. If I don't like you, then there is a reason for it. I can't remember what you said, or what you did, but I do remember it was something. And don't put all the blame on me since you are equally involved. Now, Jupiter, if you were to get to know me then you would think differently, so please don't judge me without actually knowing me. And what I meant to say to @Catastrophe is... I don't really know, its 3 am and I'm tired. I guess I meant I was more prone to getting into arguments with people, but I have reasons for it so please don't judge.
  8. Said the most condescending prick on the forums? Thats just because you don't like me. I am not mean to everyone. The irony. P.S. I do make myself giggle. Yes maybe 2 weeks ago but I have changed.
  9. Because you are a dick to almost everyone.
  10. Superman


    Who said a police was gonna go looking for a bike? LAWL
  11. Superman


    I live in a super anti theft area. There are 2 navy bases within 2 miles of each other where I live. Its annoying cuz 5 bikes were parked there and they chose mine -.- how does having 2 navy bases within 2 miles make it an anti theft area? my friend got his bike stolen from someone in the navy where he lives. navy people = / = angels What I meant to say is that its a very safe area and there aren't any gangsta people. if ya know what i mean I live close to the mexican border and these mexicans sometimes come with their pick up trucks and steal peoples shit. Its annoying.
  12. Superman


    I live in a super anti theft area. There are 2 navy bases within 2 miles of each other where I live. Its annoying cuz 5 bikes were parked there and they chose mine -.-
  13. Superman


    I park my bike right outside of my crossfit place, I come back an hour later and its gone. Fuck people.
  14. Im on my phone, i clicked the link, i cant find the chat
  15. Will someone please explain what an IPB is?
  16. Your computer must suck then lol.Almost all of us have skype and it would be easy just to add a bunch of people in the chat. Instead of having like 5 differnt chats that other people have set up.
  17. Why not just have one big skype chat?
  18. The chatbox has been down for quite a while. Is anyone even working on it...?
  19. Wtf you posted this 4 times. Mod please delete 3 of his threads.
  20. Dude, this is your fith topic in 5 minutes. Just post you work in one topic, or wait like 20 minutes in between each one. This spam is annoying.
  21. Can you not post like 4 topics at the same time... It pushes the other topic off the list under the Top Members.
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